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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Board of Education Gives OK To New Discipline Guidelines

To reflect new Maryland State Department of Education regulations guiding school discipline, the Worcester County Board of Education approved a new discipline policy at its Tuesday meeting.

The county’s policy clarifies discipline guidelines and charges the superintendent to establish a code of conduct that will “enhance the learning opportunities of the students in its charge and… ensure a safe environment which provides equal opportunities for all individuals.”

“This policy was developed keeping in mind the importance of keeping students enrolled and attending school so they may graduate college and career ready,” said Dr. Aaron Dale, Supervisor of Student Services.



  1. While it's possible certain groups of students are targeted by teachers and administrators for more severe discipline, is it also possible that certain groups of students behave worse than other groups?

  2. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. Discipline is a joke already and now it will only get worse. A group of staff members at a Worcester County high school witnessed a student strike a teacher last week. He is still allowed to walk across the stage at graduation. And the student who mailed fecal matter to an administrator is also.

  3. What happened to the rights of the kids who DO behave? Where is their right to learn without the interruptions, outbursts, etc. of those that seem to have all the rights? Where are the rights of the kids who are trying to learn and can't because the teacher is too involved with trying to deal with the troublemaker(s)? I am so incredibly disgusted. Those that do as they should get the worst of everything. And, yes, I am referring to the workers vs. the freeloaders as well as the hooligans that need to be expelled from school. I say this with no apology; it is the truth.

  4. Meannwhile back at the rape center...

  5. Just TOSS 'em out of school. Isn't that what suspension is for?


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