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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Antionette Perry Appointed Elementary Principal, Will Serve as Principal of Fruitland Primary

Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen and the Wicomico County Board of Education have announced that Antionette Perry will be the principal of Fruitland Primary School effective July 1.

At the May 13 Board meeting, the Board approved Perry’s appointment as an elementary principal. Perry began her career in Wicomico Schools in 1999 as a secondary instructional assistant, became an elementary teacher, and served as assistant principal at several schools, including Fruitland Primary.

Perry is a graduate of Worcester County Public Schools. She earned her bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Sojourner-Douglass College, and a Master of Education degree in Public School Administration from Wilmington College. Following her time in the classroom, Mrs. Perry has served as assistant principal at Fruitland Primary, Pemberton Elementary, and this year Charles H. Chipman Elementary.

Perry will become principal at Fruitland Primary as Principal Pam Mitchell retires after 37 years of serving students, families, staff members, communities and schools throughout Wicomico County. She was principal at Westside Intermediate prior to leading Fruitland Primary.

“We welcome Mrs. Perry as the new principal of Fruitland Primary School, but we also wish a fond farewell to Mrs. Mitchell, who is leaving after 37 wonderful years of service,” Board President Ron Willey said.


  1. Congratulations to her!
    She is a remarkable teacher/administrator. All the kids love her and most importantly they respect her!

  2. She was the least qualified of the final candidates submitted to John Fredericksen.

  3. She is a favorite of Handy's

  4. 4:14 And how do you know that unless you were one of the 4. Sounds like sour grapes to me! Mrs. Perry is the correct choice. (and I know who the finalists were!)

  5. Good-bye Cruella Mitchell!! Or I should say ding dong the witch is dead!!

  6. Three women with doctorates were among the finalists. Each had more experience in teaching and in administration than the person chosen. Perhaps that's what 4:14 meant, but we don't know what the board was looking for.

  7. Just because you have a doctorate, it doesn't make you a good principal. They can't teach compassion, relationships, personality, and common sense. The 3 others with doctorate lack those qualities. Knowing them, I would hope they never become a principal.

  8. If there's anyone who's a good judge of compassion and personality, it's our superintendent. He has no agenda and always picks the best person for the job. Never would he pander to any group to enhance his standing among them. He's quite a guy.

  9. It amazes me time and again that people can throw out comments like "lack common sense" and "knowing them, I would hope they never become principals" anonymously... didn't see anything on here that said Perry was a bad person or bad administrator ...the most important thing is these children...not your hatred towards people..Honestly saying you know these people is lie..you don't know them...with that type of reaction you will never know them...and if I were Mrs Perry in would not want someone like you on my side..all these candidates were good.. and if you knew what was really going on you would realize that.

  10. Anonymous said...
    She is a favorite of Handy's

    May 14, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    You are exactly correct. How can someone with a fake degree from Sojourner Douglas be considered. Two of the Candidates had Doctorate degrees.

    Oh that is right, Handy is black and so is Perry. WCBOE is nothing but an example of the Good ole Boy system in the racists context.


  11. Margo Handy said...
    Congratulations to her!
    She is a remarkable teacher/administrator. All the kids love her and most importantly they respect her!

    May 14, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    Thanks for Trolling on this blog Margo.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Just because you have a doctorate, it doesn't make you a good principal. They can't teach compassion, relationships, personality, and common sense. The 3 others with doctorate lack those qualities. Knowing them, I would hope they never become a principal.

    May 14, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    If they are good enough to be Asst. Principals then they are good enough to be a Principal. Go put that crap in someone elses head. You shouldn't be in the position you are in. The Public school system is in the education business and not the compassion business.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If there's anyone who's a good judge of compassion and personality, it's our superintendent. He has no agenda and always picks the best person for the job. Never would he pander to any group to enhance his standing among them. He's quite a guy.

    May 14, 2014 at 11:11 PM


    I love sarcasm.

  14. compassion, relationships, personality, and common sense

    I don't remember seeing those qualities in the job description?

  15. Has anyone else noticed that more and more blacks are getting promoted whether qualified or not? Nothing like reverse discrimination.

  16. 6:51, Maybe it was three not two of the candidates who had doctorates? Didn't those same educators get passed over last spring after second interviews for Glen Avenue? The superintendent decided to fill the job by transfer of the Wi Middle principal.
    6:56, I loved the sarcasm also. My favorite was the part about not pandering to any group.

    1. It was 3..and there were 8 total candidates in the second round of... and as far as last year the Wi-midddle principal wanted to move..who by the way I respect very much..and I think she is a great person ...also what is so wrong if a person interviews and is not selected...then interviews again...do you think if someone fails once they should quit trying in life..makes no sense to me. How does your saying go..if at first you don't succeed... quit...how rediculous

  17. 10:33 If a candidate loses out to someone more qualified and competent, certainly the candidate should continue to apply. If an administrator decides to request a transfer after second interviews for the open position have been held, the request should not be honored no matter who the person is. Don't trash those who've tired of a game where the referee applies the rules to only one team.

  18. My reply was sarcastic in nature...I agree with 1147...not sure what you mean by the transfer issue...or where you are going with it...but my feeling is that if a qualified applicant is passed over due to political reasons they have every right to step away from the mess as long as they are qualified for that job...if the WCBOE can freely move the administration around...then employees should have the right to move around as well

  19. Anonymous said...
    Good-bye Cruella Mitchell!! Or I should say ding dong the witch is dead!!

    May 14, 2014 at 5:26 PM


    Was she really that bad of a person?

    1. Let it go loser ...first face book now here...get a life...we get it you don't like someone...nobody cares but you

  20. Anonymous said...
    6:51, Maybe it was three not two of the candidates who had doctorates? Didn't those same educators get passed over last spring after second interviews for Glen Avenue? The superintendent decided to fill the job by transfer of the Wi Middle principal.
    6:56, I loved the sarcasm also. My favorite was the part about not pandering to any group.

    May 15, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    I'm not sure. I heard it was two, but regardless the chosen one wasn't the most qualified.

    Yes the same educators did get passed over again and it isn't the first time. The BOE should get rid of John Fredericksen and Margo Handy. Heck I don't think Kathy Townsend was the best choice for the other Asst. Superintendents position either.

  21. Anonymous said...
    It was 3..and there were 8 total candidates in the second round of... and as far as last year the Wi-midddle principal wanted to move..who by the way I respect very much..and I think she is a great person ...also what is so wrong if a person interviews and is not selected...then interviews again...do you think if someone fails once they should quit trying in life..makes no sense to me. How does your saying go..if at first you don't succeed... quit...how rediculous

    May 15, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    Pay attention! The point of fact is that they were passed over when they shouldn't have been.

    BTW are you really in the education business? Your grammar and spelling is horrible.

    1. Haha...you are correct... not in the education field at all...but I think we agree...this county can't do jack %$@ right

  22. 7:34 discrimination is discrimination

  23. Anonymous said...
    Let it go loser ...first face book now here...get a life...we get it you don't like someone...nobody cares but you

    May 15, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    Please let us know who you are talking about?

  24. Anonymous said...
    7:34 discrimination is discrimination

    May 15, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    And only blacks and Democrats get away with it.

  25. How can anyone be surprised? If you're familiar with this boss, you had to know what was coming.

  26. To the "passed over"
    You are some of the strongest administrators this county has been blessed to employ. There are school systems out there who will value your competence and experience. I hope you find one of them.

  27. Anonymous said...
    How can anyone be surprised? If you're familiar with this boss, you had to know what was coming.

    May 16, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    who is this boss?

  28. Anonymous said...
    To the "passed over"
    You are some of the strongest administrators this county has been blessed to employ. There are school systems out there who will value your competence and experience. I hope you find one of them.

    May 16, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Thanks to John Fredericksen and Margo Handy this isn't one of them.

  29. Margo is one racist black woman who looks out for her peoples.

  30. Stop focusing on the promotions and start looking at the person making them.

  31. Reverse discrimination is rampant at the BOE. Margo Handy and Dr. Frederickson need to GO. However, two of the candidates that did not get the job at Fruitland Primary were passed over before for good reason and should continue to be passed over. Neither are good choices for Principal, despite whatever degrees they may or may not have. The BOE absolutely did not make a mistake not choosing them. Don't know about the others that interviewed. It was past time for Ms. Mitchell to be gone.

  32. 8:46 am who are the two that should have been passed over and why? If they are good enough to be asst. principals then they should be good enough to be a principal.

    Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they weren't qualified.

  33. 652, I am certainly NOT M Handy, nor do I work for the BOE.

    My children went to PES and loved her. She was kind and always helpful. I don't know her outside the school system, however I am sure she is quite a lovely person.

    As far as where she obtained her degree, who cares. At least she is trying, which is far more than most people in this county.

    Instead of spewing ignorance and discord all the time, I just wanted a chance to say what I thought, and it was positive!

    So 652, please stop assuming that you know everything, bc the whole "I know who this is" is getting old and is way overused.

  34. To the people who were qualified and passed over I do feel sorry for you. However you may have made your own bed by choosing a career in a predominantly liberal career of education. Maybe you will think twice the next time you vote for a Democrat just because they usually tow the party line and support unions like the lawless teachers union. Maybe next time you will think twice the next time you vote for a Democrat who has an agenda to promote any and all blacks because it makes them feel good. If you were smart you would wake up and start voting for Republicans no matter what. Maybe next time....

  35. Remember, this county doesn't value education and think that it can be done on a dime. An administrator with a Masters degree is cheaper than one with a doctorate. Education has succumb to the lowest cost possible not quality.

  36. Anonymous said...
    652, I am certainly NOT M Handy, nor do I work for the BOE.

    My children went to PES and loved her. She was kind and always helpful. I don't know her outside the school system, however I am sure she is quite a lovely person.

    As far as where she obtained her degree, who cares. At least she is trying, which is far more than most people in this county.

    Instead of spewing ignorance and discord all the time, I just wanted a chance to say what I thought, and it was positive!

    So 652, please stop assuming that you know everything, bc the whole "I know who this is" is getting old and is way overused.

    May 18, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    AW!! Did some soft hearted liberal get their feelings hurt?

    Keep voting for and supporting Democrats you fool.


  37. Anonymous said...
    652, I am certainly NOT M Handy, nor do I work for the BOE.

    My children went to PES and loved her. She was kind and always helpful. I don't know her outside the school system, however I am sure she is quite a lovely person.

    As far as where she obtained her degree, who cares. At least she is trying, which is far more than most people in this county.

    Instead of spewing ignorance and discord all the time, I just wanted a chance to say what I thought, and it was positive!

    So 652, please stop assuming that you know everything, bc the whole "I know who this is" is getting old and is way overused.

    May 18, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    Margo we know this is you. We recognize your Ghettospeak!

    If this comment was from some concerned parent then the parent would have signed their name. They would have signed it because there was no reason to be anonymous. Good try though Margo.

  38. Apparently experience in teaching and administration, as well as the degree held, meant nothing. Promotions seem to be determined by the interview. When the final interview is done with just one evaluator, how articulate someone was or wasn't can never be proven, no matter how it would seem. We have to trust that the decider is objective with no agenda.

  39. I have worked with her and she will do a GREAT job. Congrats Mrs. Perry.

  40. Anonymous said...
    I have worked with her and she will do a GREAT job. Congrats Mrs. Perry.

    May 18, 2014 at 9:11 PM

    I'm sure she will do an ok job. the problem is she was the least qualified and the good ole boy system exists in the WCBOE.


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