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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Angry Pro-gay Woman Throws Slushie On Woman With Anti-gay Sign


I didn't want to double up with two posts about the whole gay thing today, but for various reasons, I couldn't ignore this one.

The biggest is this: My family and I actually saw the woman with the sign on our way home from church yesterday. This is about a mile-and-a-half from our house and about two miles from our church. When I saw the headline on Google News, I immediately wondered if the woman who got the slushie thrown at her was the same one we had seen. It was.

The signifiance here is simply this, and in many ways it's part of the same cultural phenomenon that nabbed Don Jones: The secular left clearly believes it has the upper hand in the cultural debate, and it has absolutely no intention of tolerating dissent. Not only that, but it views those who challenge its orthodoxy as basically sub-human, to the point where an action like this one is justified in their minds.


  1. I would certainly charge her with assault, heck it might even be aggravated assault. Let her deal with a felony record for being stupid. Hello to gay people, mind your own business. We can take care of ours.

  2. I remember back in the day when EVERYONE had an opinion, but you were smart enough to keep it to yourself! There wasn't this type of stupid violence then, because we weren't trying to shove our opinions down everyone else's throats!

  3. I don't think I can accept the narrative of this article.

    The narrative seems to somehow infer that because of the heinous actions of this slushie thrower, that all gays, or people who support gay rights, support this person who threw the slushie, and would act out accordingly. This is deceptive, and not true.

    It would be like saying the Westboro Baptist Church is representative of all Christians... which would also be, not true.

    What I also don't understand, is the shock that people have that this happened. The person holding the sign had was putting forth a passive agressive message to invoke an emotional response. When she got one, people get all offended and bent out of shape.

    Let's put it this way... you don't walk up and poke a hornets nest, then blame the hornet for stinging you. The lady with the sign wanted a reaction, and she got one. I'm not saying that the reaction was right, or appropriate, and I don't support throwing slushies at people. What I don't understand is all the self righteous indignation and finger wagging.

  4. What was her point? Mothers make you gay or not? Stupid

  5. 8:17 it is the LGBT crowd that is constantly in our face. if you do not agree with them you are called all kinds of names and you get slushies in your face.

  6. @8:51

    Is it? From what I can see when I look around, the percentage of LGBT is exceptionally low compared to straight folks. I don't know what you mean by they are CONSTANTLY in our faces, could you substantiate this claim.

    Let me help a bit. Lets say you believe that the LGBT is CONSTANTLY in our face because there is a TV show that has a host who is gay. What you will need to provide is how many TV shows there are that have gay programming, compare it to NOT gay programming, then show that the percentage would be at LEAST over 50% to even have a leg to stand on.

    In fact, I bet, if you compared the amount of Christian or Religious programming to the amount of "gay agenda" programming, I'd be willing to bet that the numbers aren't even close.

    I would like to know how you can put forth something as ridiculous as to say that this "crowd" is "constantly" in your face.

  7. throw a slushie on me and the can of whoop ass gets opened.

  8. typical, the left believes that tolerance is the order of the day, unless you disagree with them, then you are an intolerant, hateful, racist, bigot, homophobic misogynist. And all you did was assert your opinion and disagree with them.

  9. They need to learn to be as tolerant of opposing views as they want us to be of their views!

    How's that for equal rights!?

  10. Gay people in general,especially gay women buy the heck out of Slurpies for some reason.I've worked at 3 7-11's and it was the same at all 3.A whole lot of people buy Slurpie's.Gays just buy way more of them.I realize the article was about Slushies,but they are basically the same.

  11. Anytime (YOU) allow anger to take over your brain, your mind or your body you have already failed yourself.(Unless conditions are threatening or could cause you or your loved ones physical harm).

  12. Cat fight meow!!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    8:17 it is the LGBT crowd that is constantly in our face. if you do not agree with them you are called all kinds of names and you get slushies in your face.

    May 13, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    That is the Jim Ireton/Chuck Cook crowd. Remember when those idiots protested the Andy Harris Office with those stupid chicken outfits on. Remember how Chuck Cook thought he was big and bad and wanted to get in everyone's face. He was belligerent, but to stupid to realize how silly he and his homo friends looked.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is it? From what I can see when I look around, the percentage of LGBT is exceptionally low compared to straight folks. I don't know what you mean by they are CONSTANTLY in our faces, could you substantiate this claim.

    Let me help a bit. Lets say you believe that the LGBT is CONSTANTLY in our face because there is a TV show that has a host who is gay. What you will need to provide is how many TV shows there are that have gay programming, compare it to NOT gay programming, then show that the percentage would be at LEAST over 50% to even have a leg to stand on.

    In fact, I bet, if you compared the amount of Christian or Religious programming to the amount of "gay agenda" programming, I'd be willing to bet that the numbers aren't even close.

    I would like to know how you can put forth something as ridiculous as to say that this "crowd" is "constantly" in your face.

    May 13, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    You people in the anti-Christian crowd will pay your dues in good time.

  15. Joe do you still have that video of Chuck Cook in that stupid chicken costume. You should start a Throw Back Thursday and play videos like that you have collected over the years.

  16. " I don't know what you mean by they are CONSTANTLY in our faces, could you substantiate this claim."

    Ok - here's one for you. What do you know about the NFL draft other than Michael Sam slobbering all over his boyfriend? I don't really care either way about homos, but that other poster is correct. You guys are really getting tedious.


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