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Monday, May 05, 2014

Al Qaeda-linked jihadists accused of hanging victims on crosses

Al Qaeda-backed jihadists are hanging the bodies of executed enemies on crosses crucifixion-style in a town in Northern Syria, according to a Syrian opposition group.

The executions reportedly took place Tuesday in Raqqa, where the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, an Al Qaeda-linked network, has taken over the city, according to Abu Ibrahim Alrquaoui, who identifies himself as a founder of a group called Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently.



  1. We have to be as cruel and unusual to them as they are to their victims.

    Until we get over our namby-pamby PC actions and retaliate in kind, it's gonna get worse!

  2. The Religion of Peace bringing peace to the world one corpse at a time...

  3. Drones,drones,and more drones.


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