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Monday, May 26, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: WCCC Memorial Service

The service was packed.

They did 250 programs and ran out early. They went in for more chairs.

Beautiful day, Beautiful Service.

Among those recognized were the Gold Star Mothers, Vets and POWs and families of POW/MIA.

A big thanks to the War Memorial Committee, especially Tony Sarbanes and Ed Tattersall, and all of the fine folks that attended.



  1. David Suiter you did a great job ringing bell. Don't think I could give Tony the kudos you did, but you are to nice.

  2. It was awesome.
    Would have been nice to be able to hear the individual service prayers. The County in its infinite wisdom decided to swap out recycle bin while they were being said. You would think they could shift the schedule unlit after the ceremony.
    There were enough politicians on hand. One of them could have said something.

  3. Anonymous said...

    There were enough politicians on hand. One of them could have said something.

    May 27, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    What and steal the show from Tony Sarbanes? Are you crazy!

    I am surprised he didn't give a free plug to his son Judge Jimmy. I have been going to those ceremonies religiously for the past 20 years and this is the first time I have ever seen Judge Jimmy there. You can bet Tony drug him out there for some free publicity.

    It's sad that Tony has been doing this for the past 12 years and his son never even attended the even to support his daddy. Maybe because he was lazy or even knew his daddy wasn't a real veteran.


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