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Friday, May 23, 2014

56% Of Recent Black College Graduates Get A Job That Does Not Require A College Degree, CEPR Finds

With everyone focused on what is undisputedly the next mega credit bubble in the form of student loans, which in the most recent quarter hit a record high of over $1.1 trillion, the topic of college education, and specifically its utility, has gotten much press coverage over the past month. As we summarized most recently two days ago, the key variables involved when calculating the costs and benefits revolve around whether one uses (generous amounts) of student loans and what area of specialization one picks. But according to a recent report published by the Center for Economic and Policy Research titled "A College Degree is No Guarantee", there is another, perhaps more important variable when it comes to getting the most out of one's college education: race.

As the WSJ reports, "among those with a job in 2013, more than half of black recent college graduates—56%–were in an occupation that typically doesn’t require a college degree, according to a report Tuesday by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a left-leaning Washington think tank."



  1. My experience interviewing some of these folks is that they went to a school that didn't have the perception of being a real school - or they axed questions during the interviews that showed their real potential.

    As I have said in the past, not everyone should go to college.....this clearly shows folks wasting time and money for a degree they're not using.

  2. They got the job because they were black, not because they were qualified.

  3. 10:18 AM for the most part colleges like UMES are nothing more than a diploma mill for black students. Ask any professor their in one of the professional programs and they will tell you some horror stories. The school administration makes them pass black students who have failed out of the program.

  4. Here's a news flash - two thirds of all jobs currently available DO NOT require a college degree -

  5. reverse discrimination

  6. 12:22 - like I said...perception of being a real school....there's a list of diploma mills - employers know them by name....

  7. 56% of them do not work!


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