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Thursday, May 22, 2014

11 Qualities All Authentic People Have

Millennials voted, and Red Lobster lost.

In May, Darden Restaurants (which also owns Olive Garden) announced plans to sell the seafood chain for $2.1 billion to Golden Gate Capital, an investment firm.

Bruce Horovitz of USA TODAY believes the restaurant has struggled of late because Millennials don't like "casual dining" and have deemed uncool places like Red Lobster, Applebee's and T.G.I. Friday's.

Business owners beware: if you give off a "lame" vibe or make our generation feel put-upon, we'll run you out of town.

No further proof needed: New Ad Urges Hipsters to go to Applebee's Ironically.

Yes, Gen Y has become the arbiter of authenticity. But if we demand "realness" from a place that serves shrimp scampi and crab cakes, shouldn't we also seek it in ourselves?

Below are 11 authentic traits I've observed among "uncommon" people in our generation. Each one demonstrates maturity and wisdom.

Do they describe you?
1. Authentic Millennials are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

They don't look for the first opportunity to interject and dominate the conversation. They are inquisitive, enjoy being listeners and could care less if they blab about themselves.
2. They freely give praise.

The best among us know the incredible impact of a single compliment. They know how much people appreciate recognition and don't need or expect anything in return.


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