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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Wicomico County Counci Meeting Tonight - 6 PM - Moving the Election Office Headquarters Near RED LIGHT DISTRICT on tonight's Agenda

There is a County Council meeting tonight at 6:00 PM at the Government Office Building.  On the Agenda is a Proposal to Lease the former ES Adkins facility and to move the election office from its current location on Bateman Street to the Adkins facility.  It is a long term lease and involves a substantial amount of money.  The County ought to consider other options - by trying to own the facility as opposed to renting it.  Also, their prime goal should be to try and consolidate these various department headquarters under one roof - as opposed to maintaining multiple facilities. 

You can find out more about this by visiting the County's website at: http://www.wicomicocounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/2153


  1. I remember this blog complaining that government was buying up buildings and eroding the tax base for the county. I'm glad to see the position change, as owning a building is always cheaper than paying a middle man who must make a profit.

  2. Short of funny "red light district" most red light districts are for sex , I think we have been screwed enough.

  3. It occurs to me that moving to the Adkins facility would make it a lot easier for the welfare and indigent customers to sign up to vote. Isn't this a free medical service area for the "poor"?

  4. This amount of money would be WELL SPENT by doing something with the old Carriage House at Winterplace, which the County owns, AND which is becoming a slum eyesore. We need a COMMITTEE to look into that project, don't we??.

  5. To 11:54 - DITTO - my wife and I were discussing this subject just a few nights ago.

  6. I don't know why in the world the County would move from the present location to that area. Surely they must realize that the long term aspects of that neighborhood are deplorable. It is an area that is diminishing. What are they thinking!

  7. I ken go dar an get ma vots dun
    so I has my montly ceck

  8. Omg, just came by the building and it is sandbagged. WTH

  9. There are probably good and sound reasons to object to this move and proposed lease. But is putting RED LIGHT DISTRICT in the article title a major factor to object?

    RLD is approximately two blocks away from the ES Adkins building and is separated by two traffic lights and cross-over streets.

    Other businesses that are closer to the ES Adkins building than RLD are Dennis Storage, Milford Twilley Rental Management, Rent-A-Center, Quality Staffing Services, United Way, ADT Security Services, MNET Mortgage Corporation, and many others.

    Mentioning RLD is a distraction from the sound reasons to oppose this proposal.

  10. Go there and tell them NO. Forget the "comments" part. Yell it during their meeting. They work for us, and need to remember that. This would be a crime if allowed to go through. No more spending, consolidate your departments, lay off 20-25% of county workers, as they're not doing any work in these times, to justify their part of the budget. Enough is enough.

  11. I'm sure SU would pay dearly for that Bateman St. location. There are plenty of vacant properties to be had at a good price, rent rather than own is just stupid. Guess I just answered my own question, we elected stupid.

  12. In a nice place at Bateman St.Must be time to scratch someones back to get scratched themselves.

  13. More of the same. Who is this favor being done for? Again, it is government at its worse. No one should try and deny that this isn't in a bad section of Salisbury. Red light or not, the fact is that the doors are locked 24-7. That should be all that needs to be said.

  14. Pardon me - but I believe the County is about to get a double billing. If I am not mistaken - the Wicomico Wic facility is also currently being rented out of that facility. So I am in agreement with several of the posters above, we need to consolidate it under a COUNTY OWNED ROOF!

  15. 12:25, at least someone on here thinks logically and is able to recognize hype for just that. 12:39, your advice is just plain stupid. Yelling during a meeting will do nothing but get your rude behind thrown out. At least that's what I would do if I were trying to run a meeting. If you have something significant to say, don't confuse the issue with childish behavior.

  16. The old Carriage House at Winterplace is a dump. Tear it down and save on maintenance costs!

  17. The mayor wants it close to his Toy department at Red Light District!

  18. 12:25 With all the prostitutes going up and down Rt 13 in that area the name is still appropriate.

  19. There should be enough room in that building that was just remodeled for the states attorneys office on main street, they really need all that space? Who owns the old ES Adkins building? Follow the money.

  20. Nothing wrong with where the current office is. If it's not broke why are they trying to fix it? Too much government, period.

  21. I vote yes for homeless people , lots of businesses there to support these poor people.WTF were we talking about , my wife distracted me. Oh yeh "red light" I've had trouble with that traffic light there. Mmmm, is Shanie picketing the area , more chocolates.
    Makes as much sense as the rest of these comments.

  22. The winterplace park and the carriage house are a disgrace and a eyesore.And i think the county has a staff on grounds.Can someone tell me what they are doing and whats the person or persons doing to check and see if the upkeep is getting completed.I hear this years pork in the park has been transferred to delaware.No wonder with this place in such a disarray.

  23. No empty space at the Tri county bldg?

  24. Does anyone wonder why Matt Holloway voted yes and the other 6 voted no?

  25. There were others who wanted to vote yes Prettyman, Hall, Sample-hughes but to their credit listened too the employees, family, and taxpayers. Why didn't M Holloway? The young man doesn't need to be re-elected. He isn't representing the people. He has changed since being elected.

  26. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure SU would pay dearly for that Bateman St. location. There are plenty of vacant properties to be had at a good price, rent rather than own is just stupid. Guess I just answered my own question, we elected stupid.

    April 1, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    The County doesn't own the current location and never has.


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