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Monday, April 14, 2014

Watch: Feds Forced To Surrender To American Citizens


  1. They didn't surrender. They just retreated. BLM will be back soon. It's in their press release.

  2. They will be back, and it won't be pretty! What's next? The feds couldn't take the cows from the property so they shoot them? The man did not pay grazing rights for 20 years, he has no rights using that land!

  3. It's possible the rancher has fault in this situation. However, it is evident that the citizens of this country who work hard to try to survive have had enough of being choked to death by our government.
    Those who are in charge in DC and each state government, need to pay attention and heed the warnings.

  4. 1:58 - aren't you the least bit outraged that your govt will send militarized enforcers after an American rancher, but refuses to secure the border? Did you see the weaponry arrayed against these people? You think that it is somehow OK, because he didn't pay some debatable fee? This response from the same administration that craps it's collective pants if a terrorist is water-boarded. I'm fairly practical in my politics, but this incident has altered my views. And where is the media in all of this? Doesn't fit the agenda, I guess.

  5. It's not as simplistic as this rancher not paying. He did stop paying in the early 1990's. This because at that time the BLM put a limit on the number of cattle allowed to graze due to environmentalist pressure. This essentially started the chain, which put all the other ranchers in this part of NV out of business. Keep in mind these ranchers had made big investments in this land, watering systems, roads, fences. If you know anything about this land, it's useless-no man's land-huge expanses where most likely humans have never stepped foot on a lot of it.
    Then in the late 1990's came the desert tortoise and the threat of a lawsuit. By then the ranchers weren't making money so they sold back their grazing rights to Clark county NV who "retired" them. The whole time Bundy refused to comply. This roundup was based on the failure of Bundy to remove his trespass cattle.
    Personally it wouldn't bother me if there were no fees imposed for the ranchers to use this land. Only 6% of the livestock west of the Mississippi graze on public land anyway. The whole concept is nothing but more government bureaucracy which "overseeing" costs the tax payers millions more than any grazing fees could ever bring in. It's ridiculous. Let the ranchers use it to make money. The more they make the more they pay in taxes and the more the economy is boosted all around.

  6. This man's family has been grazing cattle on that same ranch and the surrounding property for over 120 years. The BLM was not even formed when they started grazing on that land. He says he would not have any problem paying fees to the State of Nevada, as it is their land--not the federal governments, but the State wouldn't take the money.

    Then the federal government decided that he couldn't graze there anyway because they wanted to save some damn turtle. Do we as a nation eat more cattle or turtles. But even with that argument--was the federal government worried about that turtle when they were rounding up the cattle. No, because it never has been about a turtle.

    For the people who want to holler about "that is the people's land and he is stealing from us," what happened to "the people's land" when the federal government shut down. They couldn't work, but they could damn sure block all access to any "federal parks." What made them federal parks? Did the government buy them, and if so, did they use "the people's" money to do so?

    They ought to send those BLM people down to the Mexican border and let them keep those guys from abusing "the people's land." But no, there is no pay day in that. But there may have been a payday in the Nevada case according to some news sites, which reported Reid and his son want a "billion dollar" solar plant bought by the Chinese. I guess we have to pay off our debt somehow, huh?

  7. Isn't it interesting how the federal government works? When the people in Benghazi, fearful for their lives were begging for help no one showed up to help but they send, as 5:04 said, militarized enforcers for this?

  8. It's all about big corporations and sleazy politicians. This is the same BLM who wants to exterminate the wild mustangs who only make up .3% of the animals living on public lands to make room for Big Agri business to use the land. The corporations have made sure the politicians price the smaller ranchers right out of business so the ranchers have no other choice if they want to continue farming but to go under contract with Tyson or Cargill.

  9. 1:58 must be a democrat cop.
    Seriously dude? 1.1 million dollars to the federal government for a few hundred cattle to graze on over 660,000 THOUSAND acres of scrub desert?
    Some people are really stupid and I'll never understand how they can be persuaded by a corrupt government or politician. Does the 1:58 fool know Harry Reid is in the middle of a land deal with CHINA to purchase the land to build a solar farm? (that will probably fail like all the other Obama solar ventures)

  10. Here's a portion of a BLM document (since removed, but available though google cache)relating to this---

    Northeast Clark County Cattle Trespass

    Cattle Trespass Impacts

    Cliven Bundy has no legal authority to graze cattle on federal lands in the Gold Butte area, including Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The U.S. District Court of Nevada has permanently enjoined Cliven Bundy's trespass grazing, ordered him to remove his trespass cattle from public lands inside and outside the former Bunkerville Allotment (including from the Lake Mead NRA) before December 2013, and stated the U.S. is entitled to seize and impound any cattle that have not been removed by the judicially imposed off-date and that remain in trespass. A large number of the trespass cattle on the federal lands are feral cattle that can pose a threat to members of the public recreating or traveling over the federal lands. The trespass cattle have also caused damage to private property, as well as to the federal lands and natural resources.

    Examples of Restoration Funding and Viability Impacted
    •A $400,000 matching grant to restore Southwest Willow Flycatcher habitat along the Virgin River from the Walton Family Foundation was withdrawn until the trespass cattle have been removed.
    •A $160,000 Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act project to restore Southwestern Willow Flycatcher has been delayed until trespass cattle are removed.
    •Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle.
    •The Nevada State Department of Wildlife has built extensive fences to protect state and federal lands protected as the Overton Wildlife Refuge from the trespass cattle.

  11. Isn't it interesting that al Sharpton owes $2 million in back taxes and he's invited to the white house?

  12. Alex Jones should get a gun sale kickback.


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