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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Washington, DC Decriminalizes Marijuana

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray on Monday signed a bill that decriminalizes possession of up to an ounce (28 grams) of marijuana in the U.S. capital, a spokeswoman said.

The law makes possession a civil violation with a penalty of $25, lower than most city parking tickets. Possession had been a misdemeanor carrying up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.



  1. And, of course, the penalty for smoking crack is to be elected Mayor, and later Councilman, of that wonderful city.
    Street-sales transactions will now become much bolder and much more open.
    Such a new and wonderful message sent to the youth of D.C.

  2. Good for them. Now that the courts aren't clogged up with petty bs they'll have room for the real criminals.

  3. You people that support this are all idiots. It is not for the Cheech and Chong bowl smoking type, it's to protect the black thugs, not whitey.

  4. Wonder how they will control the chemocals that drug dealers add to the weed... PCP etc. Oh, and by the way, it will soon be illegal to sell cigs. What a mess these Libs are making.

  5. To legalize marijuana, regulation would insure that those who use it aren't exposed to chemical additives, mold, mildew, pests and pesticides. Not to mention all the jobs it will create.

  6. 11:58: Agree.
    I'm "anti-drugs"... But I've always been for the decriminalization of weed. They (our government) should go all the way or nothing. Legalize it. Regulate it. Period.

  7. 11:58.. and you believe that. We see how well regulation controls what is included in goods... Why don't you buy everything you need from China if you think the Government reg's will protect you...

  8. It's all leading to pot from China which will be cheaper. And being there is no "regulation" there; it will be fertilized with human feces, and covered with toxic pesticides and herbicides. Obama will sign some international free trade agreement with them to guarantee no American firm will benefit.


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