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Thursday, April 17, 2014

U.S. Food Prices up 19% in 2014

(NaturalNews) Despite proclamations that the "economy is improving" and that "unemployment is down," one thing is evident and that is - for a number of reasons - food costs are soaring, and as they do, those most vulnerable, like the poor, the elderly and those earning the lowest wages, are being hurt the most.

"We are sure the weather is to blame but what happens when pent-up demand (from a frosty east coast emerging from its hibernation) bumps up against a drought-stricken west coast unable to plant to meet that demand? The spot price (not futures speculation-driven) of US Foodstuffs is the best performing asset in 2014 - up a staggering 19 percent," notes Tyler Durden over at Zero Hedge.

In February, the site gave voice to a sort of prelude to the aforementioned scenario, in publishing a post by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog:



  1. It's not the weather, it's the regulations and government meddling in the economy that makes fuel and energy prices skyrocket. We're not as stupid as you think we are.

  2. You're partly right, now that the government is trying to sell us corn liquor for our cars like they used to sell the natives, food prices are up

  3. Didn't your pay increase more than 20% to offset the increase... OweBama and Owemalley say we are better off today than we were when they took over...

  4. Oh but don't you know there is no inflatation, I can keep my doctor and there is nothing to see at the IRS.

  5. The wealthy and the holier than thou better start paying attention. Hungry people are dangerous.
    You think a couple hundred police can protect you against 20,000? Keep the minimum wage where it's at and see how long people will allow their children to eat cereal for dinner. If they eat at all. The larger picture here is the ever-widening gap between the haves and the have nots. Not everyone can be a CEO or a store manager, but THAT should not relegate them (and their children) to a life of poverty.
    Take another trip to Tahiti and buy this year's Benz to match your wife's Benz. Make sure it's bulletproof. And continue to whine about how badly it would hurt you to pay your clerks more than you legally HAVE to....
    There are a lot of people with good jobs, nice homes, etc, who wonder how they will keep up with these prices. These are middle class people. With respect for the law. But even they have their limits.
    Keep cheering.


  6. The Fed is printing 85 Billion dollars a month with nothing backing it up and somebody can blame the weather?

    The Food companies are owned by a very small group of Tycoons..who use Government regulations to help their own position

    Warren Buffet went to China last Winter and sold them Smithfield Pork... but ask the typical knucklehead Progressive about Warren.. and he is one of the good guys

  7. The farmers would be the first ones to tell you that extreme weather is having the largest impact on their crops. You can decide for yourself about climate change, but we shouldn't pretend its anything else.

    And energy prices have been unbelievably constant lately, save for the big drop in natural gas prices.

  8. I think it is funny to see know nothing Progressives refuse to admit that taxes and fees do not get passed on to the end consumer--

    climate change...ha ha ha nothing but an enabling myth for parasitic people who desire to limit our Freedoms and continue to reward themselves

  9. My food cost is about 20% of what it cost me to shop in stores. Raise, slaughter, butcher and package my own meats. Raise and process my own greens, veggies, tuberous foods, etc. All fresh and clean.


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