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Monday, April 21, 2014

Uh Oh


  1. The artist does not keep up with the news.As unlikely as it appears,a 180 has occurred.

  2. Obama: talks loudly on his Obamaphone and carries a little stick of a pen.
    He is the joke President of the WORLD! The laughing stock of the 21st CENTURY! He is so childish and inept it's embarrassing.

  3. 8:28 what the hell are you talking about?

  4. 930 I'm still unclear as to what you guys' views are on what should have been done in Ukraine. Was it to parachute 100k US troops into a combat zone where our "allies" have already said they don't want to fight for, the people there say we're not wanted, and to escalate into a 3rd major war, this time with a country thats armed with more than AK's and tanks from the 60's.


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