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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Three Year Old Child Allegedly Physically Abused By Employee At Emmanuel Wesleyan Church

From what we have gathered so far an employee within the daycare at Emmanuel Wesleyan Church allegedly physically assaulted a child. 

After staff viewed the video there was enough evidence to arrest that employee after the Mother took the child to the emergency room with bruises and a sprained arm. 


  1. This, sadly to say is just the type of abuse that most often happens. We teach our kids about stranger danger and then drop them off at a daycare where they are abused by someone who probably was not properly vetted or even has education in childcare. The parents of the child are probably going to face being displaced from their church if they push the issue. My thoughts are that if you run a daycare you should be held accountable and the parents should do just what Jesus did when he cleared away the money changers. If the church is responsible for not checking credentials...they should file suit so that the church will either protect children or close up shop. Harsh you say...No. Better to have a millstone from your neck than to harm a child.
    Church or no ...they have harmed a child and I am outraged.!!!!!

  2. Crdentials always are checked and are submitted to the center's licensing agent to be checked again. Because you have proper credentials on paper doesn't promise a person's actions. This is a terrible situation, but unfair to make a stupid assumption on the outcome. I agree protect children and steps are being taken to do just that. I am sure the church is embarassed and ashamed of this pitiful excuse for a caregiver.

  3. We the Pastor's son who is supposed to be a preacher has been involved in drugs for a long time. Heck he even wrecked a car because of drugs right outside their church. That place always did give me the creeps and so did the preacher family.

  4. anon 6:49

    your statement couldn't be farther from the truth.

    what an UGLY thing to say

  5. Great church and great people who go there.I would not go anywhere else.

  6. 7:42 AM it is a fact, I was there and I know the family. Just because you are on damage control doesn't mean you are telling the truth. You bible thumpers are nothing more than a cult. Go feed your Kool Aid to someone else.

    1. Your right about the incidents, just slandering the wrong son. It was the older one.

  7. 6:40 Stupid assumptions? I am very educated on these issues and worked in this field prior to retirement. I tell you there are no such thing as stupid assumptions when it comes to child safety. Speaking as a Christian BTW... good christian language there. :(

  8. The Bible instructs us to be with fellow christian (fellowship) but that does not mean it has to be in a mega church. You can fellowship in the home of a fellow believer. You can fellowship at your local McDonalds with fellow believers. Personally I believe that when a church outgrows itself it becomes impersonal and cold and loses its mission totally. Every family has flaws and every family goes through pain and suffering regardless of who they are. Characteristic of mindless mega churches is obvious when a member uses STUPID to describe someone elses ideas. Casting the first stone. Beware the pitfalls.

  9. I always felt they were a little odd. You can't tell me this is the first instance and nobody knew what she was doing.

  10. The average abuser has had over 20 incidents before they are caught or people believe that it is a personal problem. The judicial system is very careful to not overreact with each and every case. Sadly.. it is this system that enables so many abused children. Sooo if you see that someone is accused.. most likely it is after much physical information is obtained. I vow to believe all children who cry abuse UNTIL and UNLESS it has been proven wrong! And when all the facts are gathered and compiled.. most child abusers receive a slap on the wrist. I certainly hope that with video evidence this person is put on the nationwide abuser list for life so that the next nursery will have no problem identifying the problem. You notice that there is plenty of physical evidence as well.

  11. The average abuser has had over 20 incidents before they are caught or people believe that it is a personal problem. The judicial system is very careful to not overreact with each and every case. Sadly.. it is this system that enables so many abused children. Sooo if you see that someone is accused.. most likely it is after much physical information is obtained. I vow to believe all children who cry abuse UNTIL and UNLESS it has been proven wrong! And when all the facts are gathered and compiled.. most child abusers receive a slap on the wrist. I certainly hope that with video evidence this person is put on the nationwide abuser list for life so that the next nursery will have no problem identifying the problem. You notice that there is plenty of physical evidence as well.

  12. Joe, please keep this posted until after the trial. Thank you.

  13. @ 7:42 I know there is some truth to what 6:49 stated, before the son became a pastor he was in charge of the teens on Friday nights and he had just not long graduated high school, yes he was doing drugs, he admitted to it in front of the church after becoming a pastor. If he does now, I dont know.
    I used to attend this church for years, their all about money and themselves.

  14. I did notice it was a criminal summons. Must not be much to this. Who knows that is what the courts are for. Good church and good people there. Rumor is the family has talked to civil lawyer I smell a rat.

  15. Pastor mark was a sinner ( like me) saved by grace!!! Every one has a past and some of us learn from our past and we can relate to others!!! It hurts me to read all the remarks on the church and the pastors!!! The woman who did this is on trial not the church!!! I pray for the little boy and his family it was terrible I agree but she did this and she needs to pay for her crime!!!

  16. Good thing it wasn't my child, they would be taking me away in hand cuffs and that person in a body bag.

  17. Debbie Core said...
    Pastor mark was a sinner ( like me) saved by grace!!! Every one has a past and some of us learn from our past and we can relate to others!!! It hurts me to read all the remarks on the church and the pastors!!! The woman who did this is on trial not the church!!! I pray for the little boy and his family it was terrible I agree but she did this and she needs to pay for her crime!!!

    April 25, 2014 at 2:01 PM

    Oh but 7:49 AM sat that statement couldn't be farther from the truth. Sounds to me like that church is full of liars, Kool Aid Drinkers and Sheeple!

  18. @anon 4:54

    at least she had courage to post using her name

  19. why should anyone have to post their name to call it what it is... child abuse. Besides... you have no idea how vicious some of these people can get when it comes to protecting their long held beliefs. I know!

  20. Seems to me at this point there is only an accusation. There still is supposed to be a trial. I would think before everyone demonizes the church, the ministers, the pastors son, god, religion, etc maybe we should just find out what happened

  21. You have your facts confused with fiction and it's not only false it's slander. I would suggest anyone here using information they received from anyone other than those directly involved and you are willing to put your name on the bottom of what you say here otherwise hold your tongue. If you chose not to then you set yourself up for the spiritual consequences. The amount of slander and gossip people post just to make themselves feel important is incredible. Why don't we say from this point forward everyone adding anything to these comments uses their name?

  22. Anonymous said...
    Seems to me at this point there is only an accusation. There still is supposed to be a trial. I would think before everyone demonizes the church, the ministers, the pastors son, god, religion, etc maybe we should just find out what happened

    April 27, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    In the mean time you will hope that it is forgotten and more children will be abused. Wrong Move Moron!

  23. Second degree assault not child abuse wonder what the facts are. Sounds a little fishy to me. I know I would not want anyone putting hands on my child in anger. The victim was a toddler. The Church fired the person I dont know what else they could have done at that point. I think all was done that could be done. Joe follow this one sounds a little off. If it was caught on camera as reported and no child abuse I wonder what really transpired.

  24. Anonymous said...
    You have your facts confused with fiction and it's not only false it's slander. I would suggest anyone here using information they received from anyone other than those directly involved and you are willing to put your name on the bottom of what you say here otherwise hold your tongue. If you chose not to then you set yourself up for the spiritual consequences. The amount of slander and gossip people post just to make themselves feel important is incredible. Why don't we say from this point forward everyone adding anything to these comments uses their name?

    April 27, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Oh I'm Skeerrtt! These fake Christians scare me. Slander and spiritual consequences. What big words. Sounds like the guilty family has nothing else for their defense.

  25. Anonymous said...
    @anon 4:54

    at least she had courage to post using her name

    April 25, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    And I noticed you didn't have the courage to sign yours.

  26. you people are sick, nothing to do with the church, this lady did something wrong, plan and simple, she is fired. what more can the church do? the ave person has 20 incidents???? how the heck does anyone know that, the crimals tell that to the judge, you made that up


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