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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Bundy Ranch Saga Proved the American People are Fed Up

The Bundy Ranch Saga has crystallized the mood of the American people.

Cliven Bundy, in a dispute with the Federal government, managed to call enough attention to his plight to mobilize hundreds of Americans to stand with him as he nullified federal law.

Through organized networks of regular Americans and largely through social media, and without traditional news media calling attention to Bundy's side of the complaint, the Federal government found out in a hurry that heavy-handed tactics against the American people will not work.

I believe regular Americans are on the cusp of doing what it takes to teach the Federal government that they work for us, not the other way around, and the mood of the nation is reflected in The Bundy Ranch Saga.



  1. The federales will be back with a stronger force....if the Bundy supporters don't come back with a superior force (and social media documentation), the federales will win.

    As we have seen in the external conflicts recently played out, our government doesn't have the stones to do the right thing - the right way.

  2. How is it that this blog seems to be on the side of the lawbreaker?

    What in the world is this country coming to?

  3. "The federales will be back with a stronger force...."

    7:59-I'm not so sure of that ONLY because this is a critical election year.

    This has been going on since Clinton (who didn't touch on it with a 10ft pole) and Bush, who didn't act either. As soon as a top policy advisor to reid gets appointed as the Principal Deputy Director of the BLM are any actions taken. It's not a coincidence.
    What they do is they get these environment groups no one's ever heard of before (and exist exclusively on government grants) to act as the bad guys.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    How is it that this blog seems to be on the side of the lawbreaker?

    What in the world is this country coming to?

    April 16, 2014 at 9:03 AM"

    Don't even go there 9:03. Your faux self righteousness and holier than thou attitude only will fool a fool.
    Your ignorance is astounding. This country wouldn't be what it is, if not for people defying laws and being "lawbreakers."

    If it weren't for the abolitionists being "lawbreakers" we would still have slavery. If it weren't for civil rights advocates breaking and defying laws Jim Crow would never have been repealed.

    So unless you disagree with all of these "lawbreakers" of yesteryears, you can take your hypocrisy and shove it directly where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, "what in the world is this country coming to"-
    how dishonest people can immediately become, when it suits them. That's what it is coming to!

  5. Why is it that dirty Harry is ok with thousands of illegals breaking the law by crossing the border but not ok with a US citizen grazing his cattle, thus calling him a law breaker and insisting on prosecution?

  6. If it were some muslim breaking the law by having a goat in the backyard, all the liberals come out of the woodwork screaming about how abdul's rights are being infringed upon and they change the law, to allow goats in urban back yards as long as they aren't considered pets. Yes this is happening.
    The area in question is 600,000 acres of desert. No reason why ranchers can't use a few 1000 and for free is the way I see it. The more cattle they can raise, the more money they can make, the more taxes they pay, the more people they employ, the more they spend. More cattle also means more for the processing companies, the feed companies and down the line. The problem is there isn't any money in this for the politicians nor their corporate handlers, who want the land to use themselves.

  7. Howdy 9:31 -

    So, ranching your cattle without paying for it (also know as theft) is the same as slavery and civil rights? Got it.

    Look, how about you view this from the perspective of all the ranchers that are doing the right thing and paying the fee to use the public land? They are getting the short end of the stick since the Bundy idiot can sell his fattened cattle for the same price, but less cost.

    You tell me - how is that fair?

    And if you give away the grazing for free (Hey, that's pro-business!), who's going to pay to manage all that land? How are the roads going to be maintained, the washes and culverts kept up, the wells dug, the powerlines maintained, etc, etc. Oh, I know - we'll just use tax dollars. MY tax dollars, even though I'll never set foot on ranch land in NV. I say, if they want to use it, they should pay for it. How is that not the right thing to do?

  8. 9:11 - I hope you're right!


  9. 11:24- First of all only 6% of the livestock west of the Mississippi are on public lands anymore. They were systematically pushed out by fees and limits on the number of cattle allowed on these lands.
    Secondly it was the ranchers who built the roads, maintained them, dug the wells etc with their own money. No tax dollars used. This is what their "beef" is. They made huge investments which do benefit the public (not that the public has much interest in the land anyway-it's not for the faint of heart,) then were forced out because they couldn't afford to ranch anymore. The BLM was created to partner with the ranchers and help them, but turned out working against them.
    Google streetview "Gold Butte Rd in Bunkerville NV. Look at the terrain. There's nothing for these cows to eat. They are supplemented with hay which the Bundy's grow and why they use the public lands-so they can grow hay on the land they own. This was how they got people to settle in NV when it became a state. People bought what land they could afford and were given and/or purchased allotments to use unclaimed land to help them be able to make a living and become tax payers and employers and productive members of the state.

    Thirdly these ranching operations aren't what you think they are. The cattle aren't free ranging until slaughter. They are sold a yr or 2 after birth and end up in Tyson or Cargill "feedlots"(the industry word for confined factory farming where they are fed a diet exclusively of grain to fatten them up)then slaughtered.
    Anymore you can only get true free range (the USDA definition of what is ocnsidered "free range" has been bastardized) beef from a 4H kid or local farmer because independent slaughter houses who could handle processing on a large scale have been regulated right out of business by the government at the urging of Big Agri business such as Tyson and Cargill.

    As far this not considered as being important or whatever as civil rights and slavery--- priorities change and what was not important yesterday may be tomorrow to you. Keep an open mind and know all you can concerning these issues.

  10. Thank you 12:47 for explaining it to the sheeple Some of these commenters have no clue about how things really work. Our Goverment is being unduly influenced by money and is no longer for the people. They like the go-along to get along Sheeple

  11. You are welcome 4:43.
    I'd like to add a bit more. Similar situations went on in CA-which resulted in one of these solar energy plants being build (name escapes me) on public desert land.
    Politicians had some obscure "environmental" group no one's ever heard of and exists solely on gov't grants to make noise about cattle endangering tortoises and they were becoming extinct. The problem is no one knows if the desert tortoise is becoming extinct or not. You can't count them. The terrain doesn't' allow for accuracy nor does the vast amount of land-like 100's of 1000's of acres. Feds put limits on number of cattle allowed to graze and bumped fees. Ranchers couldn't afford to stay in business and the grazing permits were "retired." Then the word came about the solar energy plans. Oh $hit, what about the tortoises we said were endangered? So the BLM opened a conservation center. Then quietly without much fanfare, conservation center closed and most of the tortoises were executed. They tried the same tactic on the wild mustangs and burros but nationally recognized legitimate animal rights groups got wind and stepped up and put an end to the execution of those animals.
    It's all about letting big business either buy land cheap or use it for free and the public falls for it because they are spoon-fed things like "it's creating jobs." These companies then pad the pockets of the politicians. Most aren't even American companies that are benefitting, so that gives us a false sense of economic growth.
    There is so much abandon privately owned industrial land, these Chinese companies could buy but they don't because they can't buy it cheap or use it for free and the politicians don't get their wallets padded either.


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