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Thursday, April 03, 2014


A Wyoming college student visiting Denver on spring break jumped to his death after eating a marijuana cookie that his friend legally purchased in one of Colorado's recreational pot shops, authorities said Wednesday.

An autopsy report lists marijuana intoxication as a "significant contributing factor" in the death of 19-year-old Levy Thamba Pongi, a native of the Republic of Congo who fell from a motel balcony on March 11.

It marked the first time the Denver medical examiner's office has listed a marijuana edible as a contributor to a death, said Michelle Weiss-Samaras, a spokeswoman for the office.

"We have not had that," she said.


  1. Guns cause deaths , wonder if they will reverse this pot decision. Take your pot away , register your pot , no more that 10 joints can you carry. No concealed carry of pot.

  2. So, did he jump or did he fall? Can't have it both ways, unless you think that falling comes after jumping.
    Sounds more like a case of 19 year old stupid.

  3. The last time I smoked pot I thought I'd starve to death.

  4. I'm calling BS on that one. BIG time. The greatest, strongest, most powerful pot on the planet will STILL not make anyone hallucinate, become suicidal, want to fight the bouncer, or give them a desire to fly.
    But the "authorities" do their best to scare you anyway. Too much money is involved in keeping it illegal, and if that fails, then try to demonize it as much as possible.
    I wish they'd show more concern for the families of the MILLION Americans who die EVERY YEAR -read that again for a good picture of our "leaders" concern for our health and safety - from cigarettes and alcohol. EVERY YEAR. Horrible deaths. With BILLIONS in associated health care costs. And a WHOLE lot of severely beaten wives and children. Some dead ones, too.
    Believe this- pot didn't make that guy jump out of a window. Don't fall for the hype. Or the lies.

  5. And you idiots want to make pot legal. Can you imagine what is going to happen when idiots like that get behind the wheel and cross the center line. What kind of jokes and excuses will you make then!

  6. lmclain pot certainly can make you hallucinate* especially in edible form. Which is why people should educate themselves about a drug BEFORE they try it for the first time.

    *I am unaware of visual hallucinations but auditory hallucinations are common. Noises, music, voices. If you are unfamiliar with the drug I would not start by eating it in any dose. It can be terrifying...especially if you are a douche bag with unresolved baggage. On the flip side of that coin it can also help you to resolve your own issues in a very short period of time. Eat a pot edible and go lay in bed. You might be surprised how closely you judge your own actions recent and in the past. Its like putting yourself under a microscope.

    All that being said if you eat an edible and go to a movie or a concert you could have a blast. I say could because you could also get very paranoid.

    Weigh the risks, none of which are life threatening.

  7. lmclain "Believe this- pot didn't make that guy jump out of a window"

    Agreed. Pot does not take away your free will.

  8. Probably the same jokes and excuses used when drunk drivers (on their 5th DUI conviction) cross the center line and kill a family on their way to church.
    But again, pot doesn't, as in DOES NOT, distort reality like alcohol does. The road is not weaving around before your eyes and your vision is not distorted like it is when you have had 10 shots of vodka and are seeing double.
    Quit believing the scary stories and the lying hype and start thinking for yourself. Or, at the very least, learn to know the truth about what you spout off about instead of letting your hysteria govern your ideas.
    you sound like the cop who said 33 people died from pot the FIRST day it was legalized in Colorado.
    I'll bet you fell for THAT, too.

  9. 1:04-Agreed.The lost revenue from the states where it is legal is staggering,but those #s are not available to the public.If they were made available the US Gov would be admitting not only that they profit from allowing pot to find it's way in,but also that they have formed a financial dependency on it.Admitting any such thing would be acknowledging that the war on drugs is give and take and a joke.

  10. 1:05 They've been doing it for YEARS and YEARS, genius. And, this is ONE kid that "jumped"... against the HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS, who have feel to their death while intoxicated with ALCOHOL. Yeah, marijuana is so bad. How much alcohol was in his system? Conveniently left out of the article. Yet, they mention THC, bath salts, synthetic marijuana, and the like.

  11. I smoked pot dfor 20 years. Stayed high once for three days! Smoked Acapulco Gold that one hit sent me to the moon, so I took another hit! That ended 20 years ago, and I have NEVER felt the instinct to jump over a balcony railing! In a corner in the fetal position, yes!

    I'll never smoke weed with Willie again...

    Whoever imagined enough to write the article has NEVER smoked pot!

  12. You know its bull. It says the guy never tried pot. He was from the congo. Nuff said.


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