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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Salisbury Ranks 4th In Most Dangerous Place In The State


  1. Even more interesting to me is that "The Family Resort" is number one.

  2. No surprise, Cambridge ranks right behind Salisbury. Both are becoming the Detroit of the Eastern Shore, it not the State of Maryland! I'm sure before too long the Center of Salisbury, will become just like the Old mall. An empty building waiting to die.

  3. I would love to know exactly where they obtained their data. I haven't heard about alot of murders in Ocean City, or bank robberies. But Salisbury is all over the news with it!

  4. It's misleading 8:36 and I posted last night as to why and will post explanation again.

    While I am no fan of OC and readily admit crime has picked up in recent years this is misleading. They evaluated towns with a population of 5000 or more. OC has about 7000 residents and a total of about 7 million visitors per year. They are taking crime statistics which include when the town swells to at any given time a couple of hundred thousand people on a summer day. Then they are using those numbers and averaging with the number of residents, which gives a false impression of having a 1 in 5 chance of being a crime victim.

  5. Come on homies,step it up.lets make us #1 by this time next year!

  6. How the hell did some idiot think that OC was the least safest in Md???

  7. Salisbury the crossroad of crime on the Eastern Shore.

  8. Every economic study done says that building more subsidized housing is a leading cause of the downfall of any community.
    Too many people with nothing to do get in trouble too often and too early in life, overusing the community's law enforcement capabilities, causing it to have to increase police numbers and raise taxes to do it.
    There are many, many other downside numbers and reasons not to build more subsidized housing, but it all boils down to one cliche:
    "Build It And They Will Come."

  9. RC Cordrey will fix this

  10. Duncan has her head up her arse. Sorry she has shown me nothing. Her latest get all the Liberals behind her shows just how weak she is. Maryland State Police investigate any major crimes in the city. Is she padding the stats so that MSP gets the part one crime stats ???


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