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Monday, April 21, 2014

Rev. Franklin Graham: Muslims Who “Want To Practice Sharia Law” Should “Go Back To Where You Came From”

Franklin Graham is right. Sharia law has no place in a free society:

“We should be afraid of sharia law” in America, and Muslims here who want to practice sharia should go back to where they came from, “to those nations that recognize sharia law,” said Rev. Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

In a recent interview with the Charlotte Observer, Graham was asked, “Some say you demonize Islam, and Christians in this country have opposed building a mosque or are worried about Sharia law. Isn’t it –”



  1. Sharia law is the real war on women.

  2. This applies to anyone who comes here. You do not like it here the way it is?? Go back to your nutty country!


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