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Friday, April 11, 2014

“Pretended Legislation” Must Get No Rubber Stamp

The United States of America began when moral, God-fearing men realized and acted on the realization that legislation put forth by Parliament and King George, III, was not, in fact, legal. The Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, the Intolerable Acts, and other measures did not meet the standard required to make them “lawful.” Because of this, the authors of our Declaration of Independence labeled these measures as “pretended legislation.” Our colonial legislatures then interposed on behalf of our people by declaring that these measures were null, void, and constituted NO LAW; this despite the fact that other levels, or branches, of government had declared them to be valid. Now let’s fast forward to today and to what is happening in our Country, our States and our Counties. More


  1. Great article. There are laws and then there are laws.

    NO one should be forced to pay taxes they cannot afford or to abide by frivolous laws meant to impose social justice policies.

    Social justice policies are discriminatory in their nature.

    The LEFT in this country is guilty of this.

  2. Amen to this man. I have been saying it over and over, we must begin here on the local level. The politicians that are serving in the Maryland House and Senate began on the local level. We must get rid of the liberal democrats here first.

  3. I will take it a step further , yes we must get rid of these people , I mean really get rid of them.

  4. Give it up you lefty tool...we are not buying your commie agitations..

    Im with 12:06 death to libtards at the ballot box


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