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Friday, April 04, 2014

Premiums Increase $2,900 per Family per Year

One of the Tea Party's top stars in Congress has penned an Obamacare op-ed co-bylined by Nebraska Senate candidate Ben Sasse.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sasse argue that Obamacare's failures offer an opportunity for conservatives to be a movement that represents solutions and stands on the side of working-class Americans.

"Republicans cannot win the healthcare debate until we effectively communicate our solutions to the problems that plague working families," they write in Thursday op-ed in the Washington Examiner.

The article comes two days after Obama took what was considered a "victory lap" to tout the 7.1 million Americans who have enrolled in Obamacare. "If we are unwilling or unclear, the president will continue to mislead, government will continue to grow, and our healthcare system will continue to unravel," the two Republicans write.



  1. If mine goes up anymore I won't be able to afford it.I am already paying over $15000 a year

  2. Wow 12:41 If that’s for real, stop giving it to the government, put it in a bank account and use some of it when you need it for medical purposes. In just 4 years you will have $50,000 to $60,000.00 in there! The fines for not getting Obamacare won't touch that. If something catastrophic does happen just go back on Obamacare.

  3. That's not a very smart way of looking at it.

  4. We'll thats what I pay.Morons like you get sick and think someone else should pay the bills.Hard to buy insurance after it happens.I guess I should cancel my car insurance.Hell I don't need it unless I have a accident

  5. How can this be so? Obama PROMISED @2500 savings per family..and you could keep your plan..and your doctor...oh yeah..how could I forget? He is a liar!

  6. Great sense of personal responsibility you have 2:39. Talk about a low life moocher.

  7. Wow, 5:53, math has passed you by, hasn't it? It's not too late to make it up. Adult GED courses abound.


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