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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Poor Economy Has Impact On Area Recycling Efforts

Recycling revenue dropped dramatically for Worcester County in fiscal year 2013, rebounded this fiscal year and is expected to drop just slightly in the coming fiscal year. During the same time period, the amount of recyclables remained about the same.

“It’s the economy, period,” Ron Taylor, the county’s recycling manager, told the Worcester County Commissioners during their April 8 budget work session.

In fiscal year 2013, recycling revenue was $303,000 and in the current fiscal year it is expected to be $225,000. For fiscal year 2015, $222,000 is estimated.


  1. Kinda funny that every endeavor that Ron Taylor has had his finger in ended up losing money.

  2. Hey, but his income went up by $100k. So?


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