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Monday, April 28, 2014

Pediatrician Arrested for Sex Offenses and Child Abuse – Possibility of Additional Victims a Concern

Detectives from the Montgomery County Police Department-Family Crimes Division have arrested and charged Leslie Boyd Altstatt, age 83, of the 10600 block of Lombardy Road in Silver Spring, with numerous sexual offenses/acts and child abuse. The abuse occurred between the years of 1964 and 1996 and the three female victims were related to Altstatt.

In late February of 2014, the three female victims notified Montgomery County Police of sexual abuse that had occurred when they were younger. Investigation has revealed that Altstatt committed sexual offenses and acts against the three victims between the years of 1964 and 1996. One victim reported that her abuse occurred between the ages of six to fifteen and that she was abused hundreds of times.

On April 25, Altstatt was arrested by Family Crimes detectives on the strength of arrest warrants and transported to the Central Processing Unit. Since that time, he has been released on bond. Altstatt has been charged with with five counts of committing a third degree sex offense, child abuse, and six counts of committing an unnatural and perverted sex practice.

Leslie Altstatt was employed as a pediatrician and researcher at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center located at 6900 Georgia Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C., from the mid-1960s until the early 1980s. Because of Altstatt’s position as a pediatrician and his access to children, detectives are concerned that there may be additional victims of Altstatt. Anyone who feels that he/she was victimized by Altstatt is asked to contact the Family Crimes Division at 240-773-5400.


  1. Am I the only one who sees how absurd this is? A statute of limitations adjustment in such cases is way overdue.Why have people currently in their 50's waited so long to make an issue of this? people who don't even know this man will be coming out of the woodwork as soon as they learn that money is involved.

  2. Sounds similar to Dr Earl Bradley!

  3. 3:58, I have to agree with you. Although I feel bad for the woman who allege such acts occurred against them, the statute of limitations has far passed. I don't mean to discredit their misery, but why wait so long? Something just doesn't seem right.

  4. committing an unnatural and perverted sex practice?

    I don't get it. If you're gay, it's not unnatural or perverted but it is if you are not?

    This can't be Earl Bradley. Beau Biden never held office in Maryland. He's been much too busy dealing with the Bradleys and Duponts.


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