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Sunday, April 27, 2014

O'Malley: State Won't Detain Immigrants

Governor Martin O'Malley has announced that the Baltimore City Detention Center will no longer comply with a federal policy that requires the jail to detain illegal immigrants for deportation.

It's a controversial move that has some critics claiming the Governor is breaking the law. The new policy may set a precedent and it comes with serious political implications.

This year, Gov. O'Malley has decided to take a stand against deportation of illegal immigrants.

"We have the highest percentage of people who are deported without them being any threat to the public," the Governor has said.
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  1. Arrest omally! He's a traitor! He refused to recognize federal authority! Send in the armed ICE agents! Can't wait to see how the left spins this one.

  2. typical Jesuit traitor... if you only knew who is quietly a Jesuit and their oath to deceive ..so much more of the abuses by Government would become very clear.

  3. Leave it to the Democrats to pick and choose which laws to follow and ignore!

    The example set by the president is having trickle-down effects everywhere.....that's why we need regime change! November is coming folks....WAKE UP AND VOTE!

  4. If he won't detain and deport, then he needs to be deported.

  5. Listen to O'Malley tell the same lies Obama tells about Deportation. What total fraud liars they both are.

  6. "What total fraud liars they both are."

    Not just "they" but ALL democrats. When the local democrats or their equally as dishonest minions come knocking this campaign season, be sure to confront them with the question "What does a democrat have to be proud of?" Is it "if you like your plan you can keep it?" Is it "it was a spontaneous reaction to a video?' Is it "some low level IRS employees in OH who are at fault for the IRS scandal?" The list is endless with something they need to be confronted with. Remember local or not, if they are a democrat they approve of the lies.


  7. OweMalley will further skewer his prospects on the rubber chicken circuit: RainTax, marijuana change and illegals walk. What a winning trifecta!

    Trying hard to get to the Left most lane.

  8. He should be deported.. But after shopping in the mall this weekend, I wonder how many more local businesses would go under if we did deport the illegals. We need to make up our mind, can't allow them to work on the shore and preach deportation...

  9. He is a joke and has much support from local elected Democrats. They are all liberals and should be voted out of office. Start at home people. We need to send a message from the local level.

  10. His idol (Obama) does the same thing (picks & chooses) which laws to enforce. If O'Malley were ever elected president he would govern just like Obama, no doubt about it. I for one do not want O'Malley any where near Washington, D.C. It's hard to comprehend why O'Malley wants to emulate Obama when Obama's numbers are at all time lows.

  11. This is what happens when a state a ruled by one political party. Since they know there is no political resistance they then can show their true colors (RED, as in commie). O'Dummy continues to try and outdo the Commie-in Chief. Lawless communist traitors are ruining this country. How much more are 1/2 of the people that don't want communist dictatorship going to take before they fight back? I think we are seeing the beginning of the resistance, not here of course but it will get here eventually. Enough is enough.

  12. It's time for the "revolution"

  13. NOT immigrants, illegal aliens Marty.

  14. Obviously, Om' has had a visit from Ob's representative (spelled "Czar") with his orders.

  15. I, as well, am tired of Democrats enforcing only the laws they choose. O'Malley should be impeached. I will never vote for any Democrat again.

  16. He has sold out Maryland, and his higher goal is to sell out the USA. He should run for Pres. of Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico or maybe Cuba.

  17. That jerk has screwed us 7 ways to Sunday.

  18. Just takin' some of the "heat" off of Ob' so you won't notice what Ob' is doing behind our backs.

  19. If it were legal, I would smack him directly in the mouth.

  20. That's terroristic


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