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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Obama Requests Plan to Teach the Teachers: Wants to Regulate Teacher Prep

(CNSNews.com) - Having a "great teacher" in every classroom is critical for the nation's success, the White House said on Friday, as it announced that President Obama has directed the Education Department to come up with a plan to strengthen America's teacher preparation programs.

Among other things, the Obama administration will use taxpayer money to pressure states to improve their teacher-prep programs, including those taught at colleges and universities.

For example, the administration will hand out TEACH grants only to students who attend "high-quality" teacher education programs. (The TEACH Grant Program provides up to $4000 a year to students who are planning to become teachers in a high-need field in a low-income area.)

In addition, the administration says it will "encourage" all states to develop "meaningful" ways of identifying high- and low-performing teacher preparation programs.



  1. More Alinsky from Obama.
    He wants to teach the teachers how to be good little comrades or else.
    Clearly this bozo is the Communist anti-Christ and must be put down.

  2. Some more Common Core type propaganda in order to indoctrinate our children.

  3. 6:11 - That would be funny if it weren't so close to the truth.

  4. indoctrinate, indoctrinate, indoctrinate. brainwash, brainwash, brainwash.

  5. Why anyone would choose to be a teacher now is a mystery. Give a carpenter three popsicle sticks and tell him he should be able to turn them into a dining room table. Though there might be boards available, his directive is to ignore them and focus all his efforts on the popsicle sticks. So stupid.

  6. Just more MIND control.


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