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Monday, April 21, 2014

Muslims at Cleveland Airport Refuse to Drive Cabs Advertising Gay Games

As a Cleveland native, I couldn’t help laughing at this story: local Muslims are refusing to drive cabs advertising the “Gay Games.” (Don’t worry, I didn’t know such a thing existed either–until my hometown decided to host them. I assumed gay people play sports the same way other people play them, and therefore never conceived of a “gay Olympics.”)

This is a real dilemma for the politically correct crowd. On one hand, they insist that anyone who wrinkles his nose at the Gay Games is a “homophobe”–but also screech that anyone who criticizes the Religion of Peace is an “Islamophobe.” (Or the old standby, a “racist.”) They’re really trapped here, aren’t they?

Roughly 25 Muslim drivers dispatched to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport are refusing to drive cabs adorned with advertising for the region’s upcoming Gay Games, citing religious reasons…Two of the three companies operating at Ohio’s largest airport were informed by the drivers — one-third of the airport’s total fleet — last week that they will no longer participate in the airport’s dedicated taxicab program. The companies, Ace and Yellow Taxi Cab, were told by the drivers that their decision was based on religious reasons, airport spokeswoman Jacqueline Mayo told FoxNews.com.

Ann Gynn, a spokeswoman for the Gay Games, said she believes the protest is an “isolated” case and not indicative of the beliefs held by most residents in Cleveland and Akron, where the Gay Games will be held on Aug. 9-16.



  1. I am sorry but I have to stand with them on this one. Where do we draw the line. Gay has become nothing more than a political movement. I guess if you have sex with another man there should be an Olympics just for you. Really what stuff and hide suasage relay. Maybe the hoolahoop carpet crunch. So you have sex with the same sex who cares. If you are a true athlete you compete against all men and women the gay movement is a cry for attention and excuses. It is a sexual pref.nothing more

  2. pin the tail on the buttercup?

  3. wow at least one group stands up to the lefts liberal bs! where are the so called Christians?

  4. Well there is something positive about Muslims.

  5. 5:44
    Most are busy in court being sued for trying to stand up for their religion. Seems there is a different set of rules for Muslims and Christians.

  6. 5:44 "so called Christians" Christians... real followers of Christ don't get caught up disparaging any of God's creations.. but if you are a creation or follower of Satan --you better keep one eye open at all times ..Christ himself will deal with you.

  7. that was meant for 7:16

  8. 8:21 You are absolutely right.

  9. The cabbies should be allowed to boycott - and we should be allowed to ostracize the cabbies!

  10. You are exactly right. The Christians are all in court fighting to keep their business once they decided they wouldn't bake a cake for a gay couple, or wouldn't marry a gay couple, or whatever. Why are the Christians persecuted for trying to hold to their religious beliefs but it is okay for the Muslims to refuse to drive the cabs that advertise these "gay games."

    In my personal opinion, and yes, I am allowed to have one. I am so, so sick of all the gay sh*t. I never particularly cared I guess, because I thought what you did in the privacy of your bedroom was your business.

    But now it is gay this and gay that and trans this and lets let men in the girl's bathroom and on and on and on.

    We are going to hell in a hand basket. We have taken GOD out of everything in our lives and this is what we replace HIM with. I'm sorry GOD.

  11. I'd love to be at Cleveland airport and demand that I not be forced to ride in a cab driven by an individual that condones the murder of infidels - or anybody that disagrees with their religious beliefs.
    I would do this on my religious stance as a Christian - not as an American.
    If they forced me to take the next cab in line, and a Muslim was driving, I'd immediately file a lawsuit. Not that I really give a crap, but it might pay for my flight.

  12. 1200pm spoken like a true Democrap


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