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Saturday, April 05, 2014

Most U.S. Jobs Pay Under $20 an Hour

18 million jobs pay $10 or less an hour
Some professions
Hourly wage
Annual salary

Fast food workers

Waiters and waitresses



Personal care aides

Data: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Median wages as of May 2013.By: Annalyn Kurtz and Tal Yellin / CNNMoney


  1. Let's re-title this, "Most Jobs Held By Those Who Never Graduated High School pay less..."

  2. i graduated high school and college and still only make $10/hr. so degrees have nothing to do with it anymore.

  3. I graduated college and I wait tables and bartend. I make far more than my wife who is a teacher. I love what I make but there is a serious problem when I bring people food and get them drunk, and out earn someone who is trying to educate the future of this country

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let's re-title this, "Most Jobs Held By Those Who Never Graduated High School pay less..."

    April 5, 2014 at 6:28 AM

    Wow, assume much? Some little piece of paper is indicative of one can pass tests and get successful by following standard procedures. Memorizing dates, events, numbers, etc.

    It does not show if anyone has any real talent. I have seen plenty of people with letters behind their names, titles and whatnot.

    Give them a job and they have no clue how to go about doing it. (Yes, I have a little piece of paper).

    This country is going to fall. It has already began its downward spiral. And we have front row seats to watch its demise.

  5. Public works employees make about $10.00 an hour and operate heavy equipment. Guest flipping burgers will soon become a job opportunity with career potential.

  6. Guest flipping burgers will soon become a job opportunity with career potential.

    April 5, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    It already has been for quite a few years. At least these people have a job. They are making money, paying taxes, providing a service, etc., and you and others want to put them down because it isn't an important and prestigious job.


  7. 12:57 yes I'm complaining that flipping burgers is an entry level job, not a way of life. But if all jobs pay that high, yes it will become a career opportunity rather then more meaningful jobs that support the infrastructure, family and quality of life. We need to encourage people to obtain skills and education and the reward would be a profitable income. How many burger flippers out their can build bridges, create technology , software or develop new machinery.

  8. How many burger flippers out their can build bridges, create technology , software or develop new machinery.

    April 5, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    Considering a lot of people with masters and other college degrees flip burgers now because they cant find work in their field, I'd say at least a few.

    Someone flipping burgers can also get into management and other related skill sets from food service.

    Even if everyone got degrees in the fields you mention, it won't mean much if there are no jobs in those fields. Hence, people taking whatever job they can find, including flipping burgers.

  9. Yeah but $10 an hour to flip burgers, give me a break.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah but $10 an hour to flip burgers, give me a break.

    April 5, 2014 at 11:47 PM

    Would you want some unhappy employee who makes 4 bucks an hour handling your food?

    People get paid by whatever the market will bear. Much like anything else.

    To me, 10 bucks an hour is not ENOUGH pay to deal with the public.

    Something else I don't understand is why are so many people involved with what other people are earning per hour?

    To me, sports figures make WAY too much money. But if they can get it, more power to them. It's really none of my business, much like what burger flippers is no one's business either.

    We have many, MANY, more important issues to deal with than trivial crap such as this.

    This issue is not very high at all on MY list of priorities. For example, I would much rather pay someone 10 bucks an hour to prepare and bring me my food than I would, say, allow 100 MILLION bucks to be spent on Moochie's vacation.

  11. One break, coming up


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