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Monday, April 14, 2014

Meet the Clinton shoe-thrower

Who throws a shoe? Honestly!

That would be 36-year-old Alison Ernst of Phoenix, Arizona, who was charged Thursday night with disorderly conduct by the Las Vegas Police Department after allegedly throwing a shoe at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

According to NBC News, who spoke with a Secret Service official, the U.S. Attorney’s office has declined federal prosecution. Ernst was wearing shoes on Thursday night when she attended a speech Clinton was giving in Las Vegas, but apparently brought an extra one specifically to throw at the former secretary of state. The official said the incident appeared to be “premeditated.”

Clinton ducked out of the shoe’s path and avoided being hit. She laughed it off with several clever quips, including “Is that somebody throwing something at me?” and “Is that part of Cirque de Soleil?” and “My goodness, I didn’t know that solid waste management was so controversial.”



  1. Not clear what her motives were or what contribution she herself has made to society.

  2. "...she pelted a black and orange sneaker from about 60 feet away from the stage."

    She can fund her court defense with the profits from the eBay sale of the matching shoe, the one she left home. There will be no shortage of bidders.

  3. I wonder if she is available to get married?

  4. The Orioles could sure use her. Shame it didn't strike the queen liar in the mouth.

  5. It's well documented in many nations that the throwing of a shoe shows disdain and disrespect. I applaud Ms. Ernst for her actions for I, too, have no respect for either of the Clintons especially since Bill, and probably both, support Brown as MD's nest governor.
    On a side note, Hillary is a sterling example of why a woman President is a far reaching dream.

  6. This is the same woman who showed up in the courtroom during one of the proceedings for the Colorado movie shooter and made a scene. She's nuts. It's getting clear some mental health intervention needs to be in the works. It will be too late if and when she does harm or kill someone. The hand writing is on the wall with her and all the clues are surfacing that she is a time bomb.

  7. Too bad it wasn't a pair of combat boots!! Just sayin'.

  8. Shades of "Squeaky" Frome!

  9. Too bad it was not a bucket of Sh&% , cuz that is what everything Hillary says is!

  10. Anonymous said...
    This is the same woman who showed up in the courtroom during one of the proceedings for the Colorado movie shooter and made a scene. She's nuts. It's getting clear some mental health intervention needs to be in the works. It will be too late if and when she does harm or kill someone. The hand writing is on the wall with her and all the clues are surfacing that she is a time bomb.

    April 14, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    So I see you are defending Hillary Clinton for being the same woman who ignored pleas for help in Benghazi while American men were being raped and murdered by Muslims. You and your Democrats are time bombs.

    You are one sick Bastard!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is the same woman who showed up in the courtroom during one of the proceedings for the Colorado movie shooter and made a scene. She's nuts. It's getting clear some mental health intervention needs to be in the works. It will be too late if and when she does harm or kill someone. The hand writing is on the wall with her and all the clues are surfacing that she is a time bomb.

    April 14, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    It's interesting how this so called news is only on liberal media sites and you fell for it hook line and sinker. I bet you voted for Obama.

    Here's your Kool Aid!!

  12. She threw the shoe because she couldn't spit 60 feet.

  13. Crazy women are hot,so if any of you ladies out there really want to become hot,get crazy! Just don't throw shoes.

  14. She should practice more.


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