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Monday, April 07, 2014

Maryland Needs Leadership

If you have not heard by now, Maryland's health exchange officials have thrown in the towel on the state's Obamacare website. The plan now is to put in place technology that was used in Connecticut.

We saw this coming which is why I called for a complete overhaul of the state's health exchange oversight board.

The sad truth is that this entire fiasco could have been avoided if only the O'Malley-Brown administration had employed some good old-fashioned leadership from the beginning.

The facts speak for themselves:

* A website that cost approximately $125 million failed miserably.

* The change is now expected to cost between $40 million and S50 million to implement.

The Baltimore Sun summed it up by saying, "...the launch of the Maryland Health Connection will go down as one of the most expensive failures of governance in the state's history."

Jeannie and I can end this cycle of failed leadership but we need your help.

It is getting down to the final weeks of the campaign and now is the time to step up and volunteer, make a donation or put up a yard sign. Just go to our websitewww.davidcraig.com and let us know how you would like to help.

1 comment:

  1. Craig would be a great Governor...I have met him, studied his record...it could be possible to have a budget surplus (remember the last surplus under a Republican Gov??)..he is a no BS man that has common sense.


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