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Monday, April 14, 2014

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown Shows Gall By Claiming Md. Is ‘Leader’ On Health-Care Reform

Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown (D) has staked an early claim to the dubious honor of making our region’s most shameless and misleading 2014 campaign boast.

In a display of world-class chutzpah, Brown’s Web site asserts that he “has positioned Maryland as the national leader in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.”

National leader? Absolutely — but at dysfunctional computer systems.

The gubernatorial candidate is apparently counting on voters to forget or ignore that the Free State just scrapped as unworkable the $55 million Web site at the core of its $125 million health benefit exchange.


  1. Democrats lie so much they don't know the difference.

  2. democrat playbook rule #1
    if all else fails, lie!

  3. He can get away with it. The majority of the MD electorate are the epitome of ignorant.

  4. I think he is just following the old philosophy of "if you say it enough,eventually they will believe it".

  5. yes the leader. Thats why in July my employer will lose our plan for medical and our optical and dental is going tthrough the roof. Obama and his younger twin "Brown" have messed up heakthcare so badly that we willl be hard pressed to have any coverage at all by the time this is over. Oh yeah....and I work for a local government. A$$holles!!

  6. He is drunk on obama kool aid


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