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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Kudos to Mary Ashanti and the NAACP

At last night’s meeting of the Wicomico County Council, Mr. Culver praised the NAACP’s forum for candidates last week, for which he noted his appreciation and thanked Ms. Ashanti for her effort and work on behalf of that group. We agree.


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again the local NAACP has hosted some really good workshops/programs for the community besides the candidate forums.

  2. Bob Culver is a gentleman, Pollitt is an arrogant jerk.

  3. Culver was the only person running that appreciated the forum? Seriously?

  4. I was also impressed , as I spoke with some about the city problems. They admitted that they endorsed Ireton , also said that it was a big mistake . I was pleased for them to share that information.
    I said you never know how anyone is going to perform until put to the task.

  5. 3:20 -

    So, who are the "they" who endorsed Ireton?


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