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Monday, April 28, 2014

Judas Goat Glenn Beck Colludes With CIA and CFR to Take Down Patriot Movement

The pedigree of Beck’s circle reveals he is not a libertarian and does not believe in the Constitution

Glenn Beck, who fancies himself a libertarian, is working with corporate media insiders and a former CIA employee who flaunts his membership in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. The objective of this group at the very heart of Beck’s operation, now readily apparent following the Cliven Bundy standoff, is to portray the Nevada rancher as a racist zealot, a member of a dangerous and outlaw sovereign citizen movement, and inseparable from violent and conspiracy crazed “militia” domestic terrorists. Beck’s campaign mirrors that of the Obama administration, Eric Holder’s Justice Department and the liberal media intelligentsia.



  1. If it was a SPD he was probably a Puss!!

  2. Shame on the Elks Club for renting to those thugs. Hasn't anyone learned their lessons from renting to those savages. Were they UMES students?

    SHAME on the Elks Club!!


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