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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Is Wicomico county being short changed again by the Governor again?

We have heard reports of Sarbanes supporters tearing down Caldwell signs...... and one where there may be video footage. If we find it we will post it to every media outlet.

Here is a compilation and list of the Circuit Court cases for Caldwell and Sarbanes. Please note that Case Search (http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquirySearch.jis) shows only the latest 500 cases, thus Caldwell shows only 500, when he has in fact done many times that number. Sarbanes has only 196 total........

How many criminal cases has each done?
How many major civil cases has each done?
How many family law (divorce/custody/visitation) cases has each done?

The numbers do not lie. Encourage the pubic to check out the record.

Wicomico County deserves better.


  1. I am a lifelong Democrat and will be voting for Caldwell. Nothing against Sarbanes and I'm sure he's a good guy, but he does not have the experience needed to be an effective judge.

  2. 9:18-

    Kudos to you. As someone -- can't recall who -- once said: nice guys finish last!

  3. As my DI at PI told us every day -- there are nice guys on every street corner.

  4. Street talk in the courthouse "Judge Jimmie" never handled a criminal jury trial for an accused client.

  5. Please put up the bar vote tally with this post -- that says it all!

  6. There is only one reason Sarbanes was appointed. His family connections. He is intended to be a lap dog to be called on when it benefits the political machine. How else do you explain his appointment? Was he the most qualified? No. Was he the most experienced? Obviously not. Did he have an overwhelming amount of support from the local bar association? Quite the opposite.

    No its clear that this is textbook cronyism/nepotism. And its happening at our expense. Appointments are supposed to be merit based and about benefiting the voters, not about self serving politicians.

    I will be supporting Caldwell. He is far and above the better of these two candidates.

  7. Has Caldwell or Sarbanes ever run for this position?

  8. Anonymous said...
    Has Caldwell or Sarbanes ever run for this position?

    April 30, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    What difference does it make?

  9. 6:52 --

    Thank you, Hillary, now keep quiet.


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