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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Hillary Clinton, Pussy Riot, and Shameless Propaganda

The Iron Maiden recently did a photo op with Pussy Riot, the punk group that served time for holding a guerrilla performance inside a Russian Orthodox church.

Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia. pic.twitter.com/7JVkZ9TYx3

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 4, 2014

Pussy Riot is said to be against the dictatorial policies of Vladimir Putin. One wonders if they consider Madame Clinton, who has admitted following the policies of the Council on Foreign Relations – a globalist directorate ultimately no less authoritarian in approach – any less despicable.



  1. They are they lowlife progressives of Russia. They once staged a sex free for all at a museum that looked much like a porno gang bang. Not to mention desecrating Moscow Orthodox church.
    It is exactly the kind of putrid activity that besets Hillary.

  2. I agree 12:00. The putrid and most vulgar of society flock together. But the dems love her. This is because democrats are of a lower class and lack any refinement. They don't come from good stock.

  3. Wow 12:37 Hitler said the same thing about the Jews.

  4. No Hitler did not say the same thing about Jews 12:41. Hitlers hatred of jews was based on race, something they couldn't change. He felt certain races in of themselves were inferiour no matter the individual persons ideology.

  5. Either way, hatred is hatred and never leads to anything positive.

  6. Hillary Clinton...NOW THAT'S A RIOT!

  7. Hillary in her lifetime of politics has nothing to show for it.

  8. If you think that these women are progressives then you clearly know nothing about this other than they are women with a vulgar name that got arrested. And of course Russia is well known for their tolerance of dissidence right?

    These women want free speech. They want equal rights. They want to live in a society that is not hire thugs to monitor the behavior of citizens at the Sochi Olympics.

    Vice.com did a follow up piece on Pussy Riot after they were released. They caught a beating at the hands of the Cossacks hired to patrol the Sochi Olympics for no reason. If you would enjoy watching this the beating is available online. Check it out.

    You are witnessing civil disobedience at its finest. These women are in real danger of being "disappeared" and they have real problems to worry about. They are not violent and only write songs.

    What have you done to further freedom at home?

    Please know what your are talking about instead of spouting opinions based on little more than bigotry.

  9. Excuse me, but since WHEN is Hillary the Iron Maiden? Wasn't that Thatcher's nickname, or close to it?

    H R C is NO Margaret Thatcher!

  10. Actually Iron Maiden was a rock band.Thank goodness I'm here to keep you all straight.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    Either way, hatred is hatred and never leads to anything positive.

    April 8, 2014 at 1:34 PM"

    A common thought now a days, but I'm not too convinced this is true. Take for instance years ago, it was common to show complete disdain for someone "from the wrong side of the tracks" or someone who was considered "fast" or "loose." Due to that the social problems we have today were minute.
    Now you are supposed to love everyone, ignore that they may be criminals "because everyone makes mistakes" and the social problems have proliferated.


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