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Thursday, April 17, 2014

GOP writes legislation to deny Eric Holder his salary

A Republican congressman has introduced a bill that would stop government paychecks for officials who have been found in contempt of Congress — a move that seems designed in the short term to go after Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

Mr. Holder has refused to cooperate with House Republicans’ probe into the Fast & Furious gun-walking operation, and the House has voted to find him in contempt. Mr. Holder is challenging that vote in court.



  1. This Bill should have been introduced a long time ago.

  2. Screw the court system, "Mr." Holder need to be challenged in the street.
    He is lawless and deserves the same eye for an eye.

  3. He should already be in prison for half the things he's done, and we should be discussing the other half while he is behind those bars.

  4. He needs to be in jail.


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