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Friday, April 04, 2014

Fox News’s Megyn Kelly Declines To Utter The Name Of The Fort Hood Shooter

Last night on her Fox News program, star anchor Megyn Kelly kicked things off with a lesson in journalism ethics:

Breaking tonight. Fort Hood, Texas on lockdown. A suspected shooter is reported dead. This is ‘The Kelly File’ and I’m Megyn Kelly. We’re expecting the first news conference from Fort Hood to begin any moment, Fox News confirming four people are dead, including the shooter. Fourteen people are wounded. Authorities are identifying the shooter. If you are interested, you can get his name on other shows like the one that preceded this one and online, but we have decided not to name these mass killers as a policy here on “The Kelly File.” Too often it is infamy they seek and we decline to help.

Some points here:

*This is a noble pursuit. It is genuinely good that a program, in whatever channel, would seek to withhold assistance to others who seek infamy through bloodshed.



  1. Megyn Kelly is a rising star. I'm a big fan and have been watching her closely. Even though she was relatively unproven she really got a better time slot than Shawn Hanity, and rightfully so.

  2. Kudos to her,but I fail to see what she is accomplishing by this.Our society no longer has principle or integrity to lose.As far as this guy is concerned not one of us in 50,000 ever heard of him before anyway,so his name to most of us is meaningless, unless of course he is a Muslim or has a Middle Eastern name.Then it matters.

  3. 4:33, her point exactly. Without mention, he is nobody but an insane, psychotic drug taking person. A statistic. Nothing more. Kudos to Megan for this!

  4. This is cutting edge journalism. True, and honest. How refreshing!

  5. 4:33,
    They usually do it for some measure of fame and familys of victims have said before that to utter their names is to give them their reward. Good job Megyn!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Kudos to her,but I fail to see what she is accomplishing by this.Our society no longer has principle or integrity to lose
    4:33 PM

    Sounds like you are defeated already. Our society is not completely devoid of integrity or principle. And believe it or not, some are actually trying to get back some of their qualities they may have lost over the years.

    I understand Megyn's intention of not wanting to give the shooter any notoriety, but as she and others don't realize, this shooter is dead.

    So there will be no gratification of hearing his name broadcast.

  7. I am very curious about this particular shooter. He was one of us. While of course it turns out he was an evil person what was in his heart that made him feel compelled to destroy and hurt so many others, before taking his own life. In order to protect others we should know everything we can about him.
    It's the ones like the Bostom Bombers who should remain anon. We have no allegiance nor should we, to anyone from another country, who takes advantage of all we offer but wants to change what they don't like about us and turns to violence to make their point.


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