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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

FIFTEEN Days Later The Daily Times Finally Reports On Sheriff's Pay Increase

"Wicomico sheriff may get pay raise after council revote"

Can someone please tell me why people pay good hard earned money for this Newspaper? FIFTEEN days later they finally expose something that was voted on TWO weeks ago.

In the twelve o'clock hour we will have an article going up about the Navy Seal Team Six Father who came all the way to Salisbury, Maryland to share his heart warming story about the death of his Son. Was the Daily Times there, WBOC or WMDT? NO! 

I just don't get it Ladies & Gentlemen. Even after getting rid of Joe Carmean and Greg Bassett, that paper continues to go down hill. They can claim their budget doesn't allow them to afford to go to this and that event. However, this BLOG with VOLUNTEERS and incredible dedication delivers breaking news and stories WEEKS in advance.

Oh, referencing a portion of their article they quote John Hall on Sheriff Lewis' pay raise as saying, “Everybody I talked to said this is the right thing to do,” Hall said. See, it's CONVENIENT to quote these elected officials with LIES because it's not the Daily Times lying.

I can tell you this, I personally spoke with John Hall and flat out told him why the Council should say no. Many other Council Members said they had received numerous calls from people stating they supported the pay raise. Well, DUH, Lewis simply had people calling Council Members stating they supported the pay raise. What a bunch of Idiots. 


  1. They were confirming their source Joe - LMAO!

  2. well you can't fix stupid now can you...

    and clearly these people are stupid because who would want their taxes raised to pay for the pay increase we can't even get?

  3. Maybe he was referring to anyone who is a citizen of the county/city who matters and has a vote on this.

  4. 2:37, you mean someone who lives here and deserves to be heard?


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