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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

FDA Proposes Burdensome, Costly, Unnecessary Rules For Beer Makers

Why would they do this? In Government World, why not? They have nothing better to do

(Fox News) Beer brewers are objecting to a proposed federal rule that would make it harder for breweries to sell leftover grains as animal feed instead of throwing them away.

The Food and Drug Administration rule change would mean brewers would have to meet the same standards as livestock and pet-food manufacturers, imposing new sanitary handling procedures, record keeping and other food safety processes on brewers.

Beer makers complain that the new rules, if adopted, would force them to dump millions of tons of “spent grains,” which are left over after barley, wheat and other grains are steeped in hot water.

Bear Republic brewmaster Rich Norgrove says the rules would be costly and force brewers to dump the grains, instead of the more sustainable practice of feeding them to livestock.



  1. its about the money when will you damn fools learn...

  2. "Why would they do this?" The answer is quite simple. All these rules and regulations are dreamed up by "Big Beer" who then secretly lobbies the government to implement. It is a way for them to circumvent anti trust laws and rid competition. Big Beer can afford any and all regulations set forth. They pretend to be outraged but in reality it is them who comes up with this crap and since the democrats have their heads shoved up the butts of the large corporations they pass the new regulations and laws.

  3. 9:47, this begs the question, "what does big beer do with theirs?" Fertilizer? There has to be some monetary value and recyclability to this. Big Beer has been doing something with this waste over the last 2,000 years. And if they haven't been selling it as a commodity, well, they're not stupid!

  4. All comments on this proposed set of regulations were due to the FDA by the close of business on Monday 3/31. This will impact all companies who deal with fresh produce and give their waste to farmers to help feed livestock. There is no set date for the final regulations to be presented, they were all due last February (2013).


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