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Thursday, April 03, 2014

FBI seizes trove of cultural artifacts at 91-year-old Indiana man's home

INDIANAPOLIS – FBI agents have seized thousands of artifacts from Native Americans, Russia, China, and other nations from a 91-year-old man's private collection in rural central Indiana.

The items, which also came from Haiti, Australia, New Guinea and Peru, were collected by Donald Miller of Waldron over eight decades, FBI Special Agent Robert Jones said at a news conference.

"The cultural value of these artifacts is immeasurable," Jones said while refusing to disclose details of any of the individual items taken from Miller's property.



  1. Hope there is more to come on this story. For starters -- why is the FBI involved? He's 91 years old. That's a long time to collect stuff and to assume it is not rightfully his -- isn't right. If the collection is so significant, they ought to be thanking him for preserving it, and a museum or benefactor ought to offer him a good price, or ask him to donate it. But to hound the poor man, if that is what it is, would be shameful.

  2. Only a couple weeks ago the gold coins that were found on private property were determined not to belong to those who found them.Those coins were worth millions.This particular 91 year old just might be a real life Indiana Jones.I would bet that he risked life and limb to obtain these artifacts,and more specifically to preserve them.There is something sensational here that will once and for all prove that truth is stranger than fiction.

  3. when will you SLAVES learn, its all about money...

  4. 12:52 What is sensational here is the effing GOVERNMENT STEALING a collection of artifacts at GUNPOINT
    from a private citizen!

  5. The religious significance of these items would astonish.We are at a point in history where artifacts of these types can be considered threatening.And yes,THE BIG ONE is in that collection,and I'm not referring to the Holy Grail either.

  6. Ark of the Covenant?

  7. Buddha's gym bag?

  8. The Spear of Destiny?

  9. Is it Jesus' skeleton? That would shake things up.

    The Pope's special forces group is on the scene to do damage control.

  10. Details have not been released because the FBI would have to admit their basis for confiscating someones private property is pretty weak. What did the warrant specify? What was the reason for the confiscation?
    Who gives a crap? At least they could have said he was a "terrorist". They didn't even have THAT.
    Keep cheering.
    When it's YOUR turn, it will be too late to say anything.

  11. It's robbery, period. Those things belong to him and nobody has any business rooting through his stuff unless invited.

  12. Exactly what is wrong with this country. Isn't the FBI supposed to be investigating and catching dangerous criminals?
    Why are they wasting precious resources on a 91 year old mans collection of rocks and antiquities?
    Easy peasy for them! Chumps.


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