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Friday, April 11, 2014

EMS Hardship Program Mulled

SALISBURY — Though a lot of people will find themselves in need of an ambulance at some point, not everyone is able to afford the trip. That’s why the Salisbury City Council is considering participating in an EMS hardship program administered by Lifequest Services.

The average ambulance bill in the city of Salisbury comes out to about $650, according to Fire Chief Rick Hoppes. The council acknowledged Monday that there are many residents who likely can’t afford anything like that. A hardship program like the one offered by Lifequest permits write-offs for certain situations.

No resident should ever hesitate to call for an ambulance in a true emergency just because of the cost, said Council President Jake Day.


  1. After taxes.. a resident of salisbury should get a free trip or two a year. Then they should be charged.

  2. In Fruitland they pay 25 per resident...period. Or someone isn't truthful.

  3. News for jake. exactly what else is there to keep you from calling an ambulance?


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