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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Don't Get Fooled Today!

What is the best April Fool prank you ever played on someone or someone played on you?


  1. Mare Ireton has a Girlfriend!

  2. I woke the kids up and told them school was 2 hour delay. Came back 5 minutes later and broke the news!! Lol

  3. Son saved newspaper from a year previous, got up early and replaced the current one. His mother about went nuts reading the news. Took her about three stories to catch on.

  4. that's great prank 9:14am

  5. One of my children told me a story about a pregnant classmate back in high school that threw a glass of water on the floor under her desk and announced to the teacher that her water had just broke. The teacher's reaction was a complete panic for several seconds before the students let him in on the prank before he could bolt out of the room to make the emergency call. The kids said his reaction was hilarious.

  6. Made a bogus tag out of posterboard that said " I have hairy a$$ cheeks" and put it on my bosses Corvette. he rode around with it for a week, until MSP pulled him over for not displaying proper tags. The cop laughed out loud as he wrote the ticket....

  7. The day I hacked into flight 370's computer and forced it to land in Pakistan.That's probably my best prank ever.

  8. A great one just this morning: My friend Sarah admitted to her daughter a while ago that at one time in her life she had smoked pot. Today, about a month after my friend had a detailed, personal sit-down talk with her completely drug-free, 100% straight arrow, A-student daughter, on the perils of smoking marijuana, her daughter texts her from school: "Mom, the police with drug-sniffing dogs are all over our school and parking lot this morning - and I've got weed in my car. What should I do?!"
    She then gave her mom just about enough time to recover from fainting - about 30 seconds - and texted, "APRIL FOOL!"
    Sarah is waiting for her to get home - so she can kill her. :-)
    Good one!


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