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Monday, April 28, 2014

Classic-style car to replace Central Park's carriage rides is revealed

The electric car being showcased as a replacement for horse-drawn carriage rides in New York's Central Park has been revealed.

The Horseless eCarriage, a classic looking motor with leather seats, running boards and green livery, was shown off at the New York International Auto Show on Thursday.

Although it is advocated as a humane alternative to the horses that have been taking tourists round the park for decades, the eCarriage has not yet won over critics.



  1. No comment! Why change everything?

  2. should have thot gas frugal horses would be just the thing.

  3. Because a ride through Central Park on an electric car is so much more romantic than a horse drawn carriage....

    Why can't people just leave things alone?! Always worried about what's fair, what's not and making sure that everything conforms to THEIR beliefs. This country is getting ruined by these folks!

  4. 7:37-The more I read your comment the less sense it makes.Are you a Democrat?

  5. This past Summer was a prime example of "why not to have animals"
    out in the heat pulling people around! ----Berlin MD has a guy
    that does this too. The only good place for these animals is under a nice shade tree.

  6. As soon as they introduce these vehicles, advocates for the blind will protest that they are dangerous to sightless pedestrians who listen for the sounds of traffic. It will force these quiet cars to be retrofitted with some noise-producing device to stay on the road.

  7. They want the valuable land the horses are on ...


  8. Suppose they'll put a CD with clip-clop sounds in the player, and have somebody walk behind to pick up the D-cell batteries it craps. Just like before!

    Or since so many folks need jobs, how about rickshaws for sake of world cultures?


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