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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Civil rights leader says irrelevant White Privilege Conference wastes taxpayer money

MADISON, Wis. – Niger Innis, national spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, considers the annual White Privilege Conference to be frivolous, irrelevant and a waste of taxpayer money.

Not to mention the convention does nothing to address the real needs and concerns of struggling minorities, Innis told Wisconsin Reporter.

Still, Innis doesn’t have a problem with the conference’s progressive organizers inviting thousands of teachers, university faculty, activists, government employees and students to discuss the “evils of Western Civilization and white people” — so long as they are prepared to pay for it themselves.



  1. i would like to know at this time and date just who is the struggling minorities now a days and don't say its the black community not with all the privileges they have now

  2. Doesn't waste any more - or do any less than the Black Caucus.....

  3. White privilege is another made leftist term used to take something from someone else as if it were justified.

  4. Time for the White student union, the congressional white caucus, the NAAWP,etc,etc... All in the name of EQUALITY of course.


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