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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Boy Sings Gospel And Escapes Kidnapper

A nine-year-old boy, armed only with swift thinking and a favorite gospel song, was able to escape a kidnapper and sing another day.

According to reports Willie Myrick was playing with his pet chihuahua outside his Atlanta home when a man grabbed him and forced him into a car.

"He was cursing at me telling me to shut up and didn't want to hear a word from me," Willie told ABC affiliate WSB-TV. "He said if I told anyone, he would hurt me, like in a bad way."

But Willie, who just turned 10 this week, told police he started singing the song "Every Praise" over and over, until the man finally threw him onto the street and drove away.



  1. Praise be to GOD, thank you Jesus

  2. Smart child. Not that I needed it, but this story is reassurance that there is a God.
    They need to catch this kidnapper. This brings back memories of the Atlanta child killer.

  3. God don't like ugly

  4. That would p_ss me off to no end as well! Good thinking, Willie!

  5. I got chills just reading this.


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