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Monday, April 21, 2014

Bombshell Report Links Hillary Clinton To Missing State Department Billions…

According to an Inspector General’s report, a staggering $6 billion dollars in State Department funds is missing—“misplaced,” in the words of Hillary Clinton. In one case, Hillary Clinton wrote a $50 million check for “services performed.” The paperwork for what exactly the “services performed” were has also been “misplaced.” Just for the Iraq Embassy in Bagdad, a staggering $2 billion is missing! Obama’s response to Hillary Clinton “misplacing” $6 billion dollars?

“What difference does it make!”

But Hillary Clinton has bigger problems than a few billion dollars missing: It has now come out that her 2008 presidential campaign was illegally funded by businessman Jeffrey Thompson, with Clinton crony and former DNC chief Minyon Moore pulling the strings.



  1. AND killary was involved with either Ruby Ridge or Waco. I forget which one now.


  2. Have you priced diapers, baby clothing, formula, strollers and the cost of baby showers lately? She may have to dip into personal funds to cover it!

  3. Doesn't matter...Democrats will still vote for her even if she was caught raping babies in the attic. Democrats don't care about ethics.

  4. People in this country do not care about ethics so what's your point 2:38 PM?

    If you all gave a damn, or were seriously at a point in which you can no longer take or as I should say deal with what is going on in this country, then you would be putting action behind your words and like the rest of america they haven't, they won't and so the same old song and dance continues as the circle of life, liberty and corruption keeps coming back full circle...

    And some how, you still can't see that the history tells you everything about the future...

    but hey, as long as you get your section 8 housing and free groceries, and get to smoke drugs and eat bon-bons paid for BY ME and every other person who WORKS hard and deals with more crap than you can imagine, so that we can barely put food on our own table, I guess its all good in the hood right?

    What i find highly laughable is you people who want, and think you deserve or are entitled to free stuff...

  5. You know me 3:48....??? I have worked all my 48 years and have never..REPEAT NEVER taken one dime from the state. I probably pay enough taxes for the both of us since I reside in the top 15% of the workforce of this country. You need to find somebody else to point at...and btw, you have three boney fingers pointing right back at yourself hon..

  6. O'Malley is ecstatic! He's waiting in the wings for her past to overtake her!

  7. No democrat can be trusted anymore.

  8. Make Hillary pay the money back just like the poor cashiers do.Most people in private business has to o pay for shortages. So Hillary should even more so pay back the tax payers money.

  9. she belongs in prison working in one of her factories She...Obama.. Soros and Holder have built.. no coincidence the 1000$ a day pill is being administered to prison inmates in Illinois..


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