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Sunday, April 27, 2014

America’s newest hero: Meet the real Cliven Bundy

Calling Reid a 'warmonger,' Nevada rancher reveals why he's unafraid of feds

Cliven Bundy doesn’t normally do interviews on Sundays. But this Easter Sunday, the 67-year-old Nevada cattle rancher stepped out of his church, leaned up against the side wall and talked to America about what really matters to him deep down, revealing a side to him not normally seen in media interviews.

The first order of business, of course, was the Nevada standoff that has mesmerized the nation, and his response to Sen. Harry Reid’s incendiary accusation that the Bundy side are a bunch of “domestic terrorists.”

“The thing about what Harry Reid’s saying,” the rancher told radio talker Dianne Linderman on Talk Radio Network’s nationally syndicated “Everything That Matters” show, is that “he seems to be a warmonger, saying let’s have civil war!”



  1. Bundy is a criminal who owes the taxpayers of the United States for grazing cattle on OUR land.

  2. A narcissistic, criminal who has hood winked the conservative movement.

  3. 12:40 is a Liberal, Progressive hand out seeker, living in Mama's basement, that prefers the binding chains of government over freedom and liberty. If he had his way, he'd empower the Federal government to come in and take all of your private property just so he could have his free cheese.

  4. 12:40 AND 12:54 have no idea what's at issue here. I don't remember hearing you bark criminal when the politicians owed back taxes or Harry Reid burning through your taxes a pet projects or flying from here to there, etc, etc, etc. Over reach has gotten way out of hand and by the time you have figured it out it will be to late.

  5. Correction, 1:02 PM.

    12:40 PM is a self-employed, taxpaying business owner. I don't do free cheese.

  6. 1:11 PM. I know exactly what is at issue, here. We are a nation of laws. Don't like the laws? Change them. Don't like where your taxes are going, change the politicians. That is why I am politically active. I don't get to change the rules just for myself - that would be unfair to YOU.

    Bundy has been using OUR lands for his own personal gain for 20 years.

  7. Even Glen Beck (mayor of crazy town) won't touch this loser.

  8. 2:07-so what then if the federal government started chipping away at your business? What if they put such limits on you that you wouldn't be able to stay in business if you complied? Would you stand up and fight?
    That's what they did to Bundy and other ranchers in the area. Those ranchers just gave up. He's the last one.
    It wasn't as if they were using the land without out of pocket expenses and investiments. They spent this money willingly, for years because they trusted the government to not go back on it's word and when they did, Bundy stood his ground, refused to pay them for what he felt was money being used to force him off the property. Bundy was right. That was the goal. When the ranchers weren't leaving fast enough the tortoise suddenly became endangered.

  9. Lock up the worthless criminal and be done with this nonsense.

  10. The liberal propagandists are hard at it on this blog.

  11. 2:07, so is Cliven Bundy. The difference between the two of you is that the Feds are not limiting the size of inventory you are "allowed" to manage or the margin you are "allowed" to charge.

    The Feds ARE doing this to Bundy., and he is just saying no, he's a free man running a business.

    You need to get into the facts a little deeper.

    And I'm not saying Bundy is not breaking any laws, either. It's just that in your business, the Feds haven't made these laws for you.


  12. 12:40pm may well be a business owner but by the way he or she comments has no idea of the real issue in the Bundy case. If the Government came in and imposed restrictions on their so called business they'd be the first ones to cry fowl! I'd be willing to bet that 12:40 is not a legit business owner most likely a cash business hiding cash from the feds!

  13. Those lands are not "your lands." No more than they have ever been the Federal Government's lands. But you take your butt out there when the government is shut down, or even here on the East Coast, on some federal land that is "your land" and see how fast you get on there. Not!!!

    The federal government wants that land for something and they consider it "their" land. To give away to the Chinese if they want to, I mean after all "you" owe the Chinese how many trillion dollars. So "you" better get to paying off that debt.

  14. You knuckleheads don't even know what you're talking about. no shocker there. you want to side with the heavy handed corrupt government over some grass? after they ran out the other 50+ ranchers in Clark Co.? Bundy is the last one there. They have enough backbone to say no to the fed. (Have your grandfather explain what backbone is, I'm sure you don't have a clue).

    Find out why he stopped paying the fees, yes he actually paid fees before. Find out why other ranchers are supporting him. Find out why officials are supporting him. Find out something.

  15. We don't heard anything about the same thing that is happening to people who have owned gas leases on public lands. These leases have been in families for generations, they made huge investments in the property and has been their livelihood plus those they employ and the other businesses that feed off of them. When Ken Salazar was obama's head of the Interior Dept he said he didn't care if gas went to $9 a gallon he was going to keep on limiting the permits allowing them to drill. This has caused people to give these allotments up.
    Surely another case we will hear of some well connected company getting the drilling rights as soon as they run everyone off. And you can be sure they won't have a problem getting a permit.
    Incidentally President Bush lowered the price of gas, when he issued an order to give more people permits to drill.

  16. In case none of you morons noticed everyone's running from this clown.....he is a complete idiot.....

  17. Anonymous said...
    Bundy is a criminal who owes the taxpayers of the United States for grazing cattle on OUR land.

    April 24, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    You are a criminal for voting for Obama. If you educated yourself before mouthing off you would have known that the Government stole that land from Bundy and his ancestors.


  18. Chuck Cook said...

    Bundy is a criminal who owes the taxpayers of the United States for grazing cattle on OUR land.

    April 24, 2014 at 12:40 PM

  19. Anonymous said...
    Correction, 1:02 PM.

    12:40 PM is a self-employed, taxpaying business owner. I don't do free cheese.

    April 24, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    Delivering newspapers doesn't count.


  20. Chuck Cook said...

    1:11 PM. I know exactly what is at issue, here. We are a nation of laws. Don't like the laws? Change them. Don't like where your taxes are going, change the politicians. That is why I am politically active. I don't get to change the rules just for myself - that would be unfair to YOU.

    Bundy has been using OUR lands for his own personal gain for 20 years.

    April 24, 2014 at 2:11 PM

  21. These negative anti-Bundy posts have Chuck Cooks fingerprints all over it.


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