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Monday, April 21, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Arcade at Ocean Downs

Let us all be realistic okay? The first two letters should have been handled a little better. There will be no name calling just cold hard facts! First: the heat is downright extreme. Yes, farmers and watermen have hot jobs but they also have the choice of a/c. Tractors come equipped these days I know for a fact I own two John Deere harvesters. Also boats come equipped with a/c. The employees have no choice but to stand there and sweat. I've seen on numerous occasions guards get yelled at for standing outside for long periods of time. Just down right wrong. Secondly: when it rains I've seen many leaks and pieces of ceiling tiles in trash cans! The carpet by the cashiers is always soaked. I'd hate to see how much mold and mildew is under that. Thirdly: state lottery officials, what are they there for? If other employees are complaining about these things do they just turn a blind eye? I for one am concerned. If someone went to the labor board with these complaints why won't they do anything? I really hope things change for the better out of this. But as many of you faithful readers have said no body truly cares. For the employees and staff of this business I hope for the very best for all of you. Now for some real truth: 

1. William Rickman is a penny pincher. 
2. Air intakes were deliberately taken off the heating units on the building in direct violation of building code. 
3. Happy players and employees are key to a successful business. 
4. If things are bad at Ocean Downs, I wonder if things are bad at Delaware Park? Rickman owns that also! 
5. His contractors should really call the health dept for their living arrangements. Roach, rat, and mice infested houses behind Ocean Downs. 
6. I'm a farmer and a very very observant employee!


  1. It sounds like you should stop farming and open a casino. You seem to know it all except why state lottery officials are there which is definitely not to take complaints from employees.
    If you don't like the place, then don't go there and if you don't like working there, quit.

  2. You have to consider who goes in that place. The "crème de la crème" of society isn't going to be in a "casino" in Berlin MD, that's a given. A lot of those who frequent the place, probably don't even have AC in their homes and have buckets catching the water from leaks in their own homes as well. As long as "they" continue to spend their money in the place is all that matters to the owner. Repairs will only be made if they are causing a decrease in the number of gamblers who frequent the place.

  3. The Labor Board is not who you would complain to in regards to your work environment claims. That would be OSHA - Occupational, Safety, Health Administration! If you knew who to complain to that may help! Instead of bitching and complaining on a news blog make the right call and get something done about it! But NOOOOOOOO I just wanta CRY on here! Grow up - be thankful that you have a job- or keep complaining and loose your job! NO ONE CARES!!!!!

  4. Nope you are wrong, 1:51. The first step in any successful "complaint" is to get as much of the public on your side as you can and get them all riled up. Then "complain" to the appropriate agencies. These days there is a name for this; it's called "community organizing."

  5. DUH 1:51! OSHA is a agency of the US Dept of LABOR!
    I am forever amazed as to the many who are so uninformed.

  6. I commend the person who wrote the honest truth about Ocean Downs. Maybe the smart comment people who don't want to hear the truth and are so critical are high rollers or OD management, or have never been to OD. If you don't want to read the truth, then don't read the article and stay off this site.
    I am not an employee but a patron. I don't believe Rickman and Co. care about promoting harness racing. During the live harness meet thousands of people attend. There is no longer a grandstand, no outside refreshment booths except under two umbrellas, rows of port-a-potties, no place to watch the live races when it rains, long lines at the outside betting windows, no advertising to promote harness racing inside the casino, no golf cart provided for the trainers, grooms etc. to ride to the winners circle, and no Fri or Sat night live racing.

  7. Maybe harness racing doesn't make as much money as video games. They probably don't promote it and will do away with it eventually as is their right as the owners/operators of OD. It amazes me that with all the problems on the shore, this is what people are worried about. Got no jobs, no money and no future but lets complain about a business that is still here for now.

  8. .....but slots were all about saving the racing industry remember that 2:42? Everyone knew it was a bold faced lie out of the mouths of the sleazeballs.

  9. 3:53, Yea I dunno what they are complaining about! Slave labor and poor working conditions are back in fashion! They should be happy they are trading a paycheck for their health. How down right inconsiderate and unappreciative those darn employees are!

    What a loser....

  10. if the employees are sweating, are the patrons also sweating?

  11. 6:02 What union do you work for?

  12. Just leave us alone.. only losers work and frequent O'Malley's substandard Casinos --Gambling should have been on classy Bay Ships with table games and fine dining--not neon and smelly people at a race track

  13. I wonder how many employees that are getting yelled at for being outside too much of the time while they are on the clock, have cigarettes in their hands? Too hot inside, I think not. Sounds more like HR needs to tighten up their policies and get rid of the slackers and whiners.


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