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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4 Rules for Freedom

The rush and rapidity of events in Bunkerville, Nevada surprised and cheered many, and there is a lot to learn from this case.

It’s too soon to know the long-term impact of people standing up against armed federales last week, but here are some early takeaways.

Location matters. This insurrection, brought on by federal government arrogance and greed, happened in part because people could get there, physically and intellectually. Wide open rangeland (for hardy cattle and 100 year old turtles) physically and visually juxtaposed with the artificial stupidity of “free speech zones,” domesticated citizens penned in by red government tape, tell a story without words, history lessons, or politics. The imagery brings to mind the words of one of my favorite heroes, “[T]he truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.”



  1. We have some pros and cons on this issue. However I really would like to see more of our people standing up for what they believe.
    You bet your bottom dollar , if this were a minority farmer , nothing , I say nothing would have been done by the feds..
    They would have given him the land.

  2. Why didn't anyone speak up when they used free speech zones for US presidents?

  3. Last night, I saw a commentator expressing alarm and fright at the rise of "militia's" across the country.
    Remember -- the FIRST American Revolution didn't start overnight with a bunch of men all of a sudden attacking British troops. It formented over a period of about 30 years. People getting angrier and angrier about taxes, overbearing and often deadly authorities, and a government with a deaf ear to their complaints. Sound familiar?
    Historical events like civil war or revolution don't happen in a day. It takes a while for the pressure cooker to explode. THEY know it and thats why we have the most militarized police force we've ever seen, government agencies like the Social Security Administration (!!?) buying millions of rounds of RIFLE ammo, our military practicing the confinement and control of large civilian populations, and the President giving himself (through executive order) the authority to control ALL energy supplies, transportation, and even the authority to forcibly move entire REGIONS of people in the USA.
    These are facts. Interpret them as you will.
    Its all being done for your own good. Thats what Hitler, Mao, and Stalin said, too. MILLIONS of their citizens found out ("realized" is probably the more accurate term) that NONE of it was for THEIR own good.
    Keep cheering.


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