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Sunday, April 27, 2014

32nd Annual Salisbury Festival


  1. Doesn't look like a very diverse crowd from the poster.

  2. Will open carry be allowed? Only way I set foot there.

  3. With no car show Saturday they will loose a lot of business. The social clubs who serve food will see a drop in customers.

  4. No car show but they will have a transgender parade.

  5. Oh boy, rainbow flags will be flying.

  6. Agreed. Open carry should be allowed. Nobody safe in da 'bury!

  7. Otherwise known as the weekend the animals are let out of their cages. Keep a close watch on your kids and your cash.

  8. Do you know Powellville oyster will not be there???


  9. No car show = no interest. Used to enjoy that feature; it was a major draw.

    If foot traffic is lower, exhibitors will find it harder to justify the cost of their booth space, which was already high.

    Organizers are setting the stage for a cycle of diminishing satisfaction and attendance by mature folks with cash.

    Our group has scheduled an activity in Lower, Slower instead.

    cya 'bury fest

  10. Shame on you all who are making these comments. Bet if you had to put your name to them you wouldn't make them.

    Spoiler alert: This is a wonderful event and I thank those who put this on for our community. I plan on attending.

    1. They are saying that they would enjoy it more if African Americans were not in attendance, they are using an easily decipherable code. The truth is, speaking in code doesn't make you less of a racist.

  11. I just hope no bad UC stings go down in the parking lot and no one gets run over or shot.

  12. The bike race was postponed also.

  13. If any vendors show up at all. I heard that groups were being charged hundreds to set up on a site and the City wanted a percentage of their profits.

  14. You Freaking Liberals Live On A Dream world.....Yes the blacks citizens behavior IS a major deterrent to others attending. And it is the others that have the cash to support the vendors. But boohoo we offend your delicate sensibilities when we speak the truth. You disgust me with your liberal fantasias

  15. 9:02 That is an odd statement to make. Have you looked at the website? There is not a photo of an AA person anywhere. Is the Mayor racist or is it the PR people or photographer?

  16. That's what happens when the ignorant people elect a gay Democrat as Mayor.

  17. It's like Hillary says, 'What difference does it make".

  18. 8:42 My name is John Riggin and I live in Delmar. I just put my name on this post because you stated I did not have the gonads to do it. The car show brought many people and business to downtown and the liberal democrats just screwed it up. I have decided to attend another event, when , in fact, I had planned to do the Salisbury show. The leadership in Salisbury is stupid. Get over it!

  19. No car show. it's the only reason i fought the traffic and went. so, i'll get more productive things done and work around the house. so now it's a faggot festival. wouldn't be caught dead near it.

  20. Just think... the psychopath, that beat the man on Pemberton Dr, will probably be roaming freely. Isn't it nice?

  21. Anonymous said...
    They are saying that they would enjoy it more if African Americans were not in attendance, they are using an easily decipherable code. The truth is, speaking in code doesn't make you less of a racist.

    April 23, 2014 at 9:02 PM

    Well say what you want and try to shame us in attending, but your shame will not put my or my families safety at risk. It is your little Thugettes that ruined the Salisbury Festival years ago and the stupid liberal committee members that kept allowing your African American bands to play there. The free entertainment is what brought out the Thugettes and the gangs and we watched the crime skyrocket. I personally warned the Chamber and the committees about this practice and they didn't listen. Guess what this liberal ignorance was the failure of the Salisbury Dogwood Festival. Good Riddance.

  22. 12:33
    It is not fair to stereotype. I am what you call thugette but have a college degree and own my home at 25years old. I agree that there are many people of all races that have very little education and opportunity to be productive members of society in Salisbury, but don't assume every person of color is a thug.

  23. Anonymous said...
    It is not fair to stereotype. I am what you call thugette but have a college degree and own my home at 25years old. I agree that there are many people of all races that have very little education and opportunity to be productive members of society in Salisbury, but don't assume every person of color is a thug.

    April 27, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    You are obviously wrong unless you were one of those wannabe gangbangers ruining the Salisbury Festival for everyone. Even if you are a college educated home owner you are quick to drop the race card.


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