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Monday, April 21, 2014

$1,000-a-day Hepatitis C Drug Approved To Treat Prison Inmates In Illinois

Illinois prison inmates will now be able to get a new and effective -- but incredibly costly -- drug for hepatitis C.

The Herald-Review reported on Friday that the state Department of Corrections has approved the use of Sovaldi for hepatitis C. The medication has a cure rate of 95 percent.

The drug costs at least $1,000 per day.

Corrections officials estimate that as many as 3,750 prisoners in the state have hepatitis C, a life-threatening blood-borne infection that's linked to tainted needles. Chronic hepatitis C, often called a "silent disease," causes cirrhosis and often requires a liver transplant. Illinois routinely screens inmates for hepatitis C when they are admitted to prison, unless they refuse.


  1. I researched this stock --Gilead Sciences...it is all owned by the usual suspects --Google lists it as a stock George Soros cannot get enough of.. this is another scam -- the pricing is gouging the taxpaying public --ironically they are treating people who they would rather have in prison working in their UNICOR factories.. this stock is closed to the public --it is held by Hedge Funds only open to Politicos --when is something going to be done about the racketeeering that now has people like the Clintons who last I heard are now controlling almost 80 Billion dollars in Capital?

  2. yup the rich get richer by using the politicians to steal from the average citizen, That's why it's so important for them to disarm americans. How else we gonna stop this stuff from happening?

  3. there is a news report out there this morning on what a group of Chinese did to some corrupt Bureaucrats --it is not pretty --they beat them to a pulp.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    there is a news report out there this morning on what a group of Chinese did to some corrupt Bureaucrats --it is not pretty --they beat them to a pulp.

    April 22, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    they beat them to a pulp because they had just killed someone and the crowd did not like it. good for them.


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