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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

You Just Can’t Fix Stupid

Pasquotank County Deputies charged four people in connection with an attempted break in at a local gun shop.

“It is kind of like the whole red neck saying, ‘you just can’t fix stupid,’” David Pritchard said.

Pritchard says he saw stupid first hand early Sunday around 7 a.m. That’s when three men tried to break into his gun shop, Bull Shooter’s Supply on Bayside Road.

“I have no idea how they intended to get inside,” Pritchard said.

A neighbor who lives just down the street from the gun shop noticed the suspect’s car. He then saw three men dressed in all black get out and head towards shop. The neighbor made two calls. One to Pritchard and the other to 911.



  1. This guy owns a gun shop, gets shot at, and don't shoot to kill? What is he a gun loving Liberal? This is an embarrassment to gun owners, he should be removed from being allowed ownership of guns, since he is too stupid to know what they are supposed to be used for. Now there is a huge expense of a trial, jail upkeep, and lawyers, when he could have saved everyone a bunch of time, and money. These creations will get a little bit of jail time, in a plea bargain, and be back at it in a couple of years. Yes, this guy is really a bright one, he is right up there with Obama!

  2. Wait till KING OBAMA hear you lock up a Black MAN...he will let 'em go YO...

  3. Nice matching shirts. Boy band?


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