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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wicomico County Taxpayers Have A History Of Double Dipping Legislators & The Board Of Education

The Maryland Legislative Audit should be brought back to investigate BOE employee double-dipping.  Delegate Norman Conway has been getting away with it for years.  With the advent of the electronic media - we have captured a transcript of his salary for FY - 2000 verses FY - 2004.
Remember folks, he has also been serving as a Delegate on the Maryland General Assembly and was also collecting from that entity.  Now - this helps to understand why Wicomico doesn't have an elected school board.

FY - 2000 Salary - Norman Conway $63,126 + $7,014
FY - 2004 Salary - Norman Conway $77,920



  1. but they keep putting him back in there. shame on all of them that vote for him. thanks sjd

  2. Are you kidding me???? Times up on the double dipping

  3. Now who's the welfare queen?

  4. There should be term limits for "all" Congress, Senate, and Delegate positions allowing no more than two four year terms. The length of time some are staying in position is ridiculous. Seems like once they are in office for a while they forget they are there to represent the "people" and look out more for their selves and their special interest groups. Also they should have to abide by all the laws and rules they pass instead of being exempt!!

  5. 10:44, I respectfully disagree, to a point. While I believe in term limits, 2 to 4 years is nowhere near long enough to make a positive difference.

    Remember, the candidates spend more than a year preparing and running for the position. A lot of money is expended as well.

    If it's a 2 year position, it should last no longer than 4 years. A 4 year position should last no longer than 8 years.

    As we are seeing in this country right now, times are drastically changing and even I have a hard time swallowing these changes. However, elections are now proving to sway towards the NEW line of thinking and not the OLD.

    We are seeing more entitlements, affordable housing, healthcare, things many of us OLDER folks would have died before we'd stand in line at a grocery store with food stamps and so forth. Today it's the norm, regretably.

    We need term limits in ALL of the things mentioned above. Leadership and entitlements.

  6. Is it double dipping to have two jobs? Is it double dipping to retire from one job, get earned benefits, and then get another job also with benefits? I don't get the problem.

  7. I swear, the Board of Education's water keeps getting murkier and murkier with each passing day.

    Question? What did Norman Conway teach while he was drawing this salary. If I'm not mistaken, the Maryland Legislature runs from January through about May 1st.
    It is also the same time that school is in session. So how can he be at two places at the same time?

    I would hope that he returns this taxpayers money. And if I were a school teacher, I would be up in arms over this.

  8. I think that the second salary listed on the first spreadsheet was his food allowance. I don't believe they had gift cards instituted at the time.

  9. It appears Jim Ireton is doing the same. How can the taxpayers allow this to happen. This is a poor reflection on our community.

  10. 11:00 - he needs to have his food allowance cut off - he could stand to miss a meal or two!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There should be term limits for "all" Congress, Senate, and Delegate positions allowing no more than two four year terms. The length of time some are staying in position is ridiculous. Seems like once they are in office for a while they forget they are there to represent the "people" and look out more for their selves and their special interest groups. Also they should have to abide by all the laws and rules they pass instead of being exempt!!

    March 14, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    There are term limits and it is called elections. You people just don't get it. If it was a Republican in office you wouldn't be whining about term limits.

    Guess what I am a Republican and I believe in the Democracy and the will of the people. Just because a few of you are upset with dirt bags like Norman Conway, Rick Pollitt and Jim Ireton doesn't constitute the need to change elections. Get over it and get your family and friends to vote for the right people. I bet you are to lazy to do that.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Is it double dipping to have two jobs? Is it double dipping to retire from one job, get earned benefits, and then get another job also with benefits? I don't get the problem.

    March 14, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    No! This is idiotic and there is no such thing as double dipping if you are retired and go back to work at another job no matter what it is. These Double Dippers are like the Birthers.

  13. Hey Joe
    Just saw a county van parked in the fire lane in front of JT's Grill.
    Bon appetite!

  14. I questioned the conway issue years ago and the answer I was given that he was not paid by the board while he was gone.

  15. 12:27, Great that you are so wonderful. Do you even know those guys to call them "dirt bags?" Dislike their politics all you like. What exactly is your basis for calling them such? Do you have any idea that in democracy everyone gets an opinion? It doesn't make them horrible people. Guess you didn't read Joe's comment worthy.

  16. He was not paid by the board when he was gone but his secretary did most of his work and received no extra compensation.

  17. Wow, I thought this kind of stuff was illegal. His salary at the Maryland Legislature I'm sure is at least $40K.

  18. The Maryland auditor ought to hit them hard on this. If they missed it, I think they should be called back because this is unbelievable.

  19. Unbelievable? How about legal?

  20. Anonymous said...
    I questioned the conway issue years ago and the answer I was given that he was not paid by the board while he was gone.

    March 14, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    If that is the case then his actual salary should have been $103,893. Just doing a quick calculation dividing by nine months to get his monthly salary.

    Not sure if that is accurate, but you might want to look at his wife's salary for doing the same job, nothing!

  21. Anonymous said...
    12:27, Great that you are so wonderful. Do you even know those guys to call them "dirt bags?" Dislike their politics all you like. What exactly is your basis for calling them such? Do you have any idea that in democracy everyone gets an opinion? It doesn't make them horrible people. Guess you didn't read Joe's comment worthy.

    March 14, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Just like 12:27 said they are dirt bags. Anyone that steals from the tax payers are dirt bags. Raising taxes to pay salaries of unneeded employees and purchasing unneeded equipment is stealing. If you condone their actions and their politics then you are a dirt bag as well. Case closed Dirt Bag!

  22. I think that's the wife of a big Pollitt booster - named Dashiell -- on that list

  23. There is one common denominator among all of them - they are Democrats.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I think that's the wife of a big Pollitt booster - named Dashiell -- on that list

    March 14, 2014 at 6:34 PM

    I was getting ready to mention her also. Ruby must have been working for the Board of Ed while Chip was on the County Council.

    Tony Sarbanes was retired from the BOE.

    Bill McCain's wife is employed with the BOE.

    How many other council members were connected to the BOE. No wonder they give the BOE so much money.


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